I'd like to see a modern day dreadnought built

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I'd like to see a modern day dreadnought built

Post by weatheriscool »

I'd like to see a modern day dreadnought built.
-4 rail guns. 2 on the front and 2 on the backs as the main guns. These guns could hit targets hundreds of miles away.
-2-4 laser guns
-4 to 6 cannon like guns with the best weapons systems of the 21st century for aim and targeting shit. We could probably go over 24 inches for each. 30 miles, 40 miles?
----These guns could be stacked with rail guns being most forward and laying lower on the deck, followed cannon like guns and then at a higher level military grade lasers.----
-Missiles. The spine of the ship could have 6-8 compartments capable of launching missiles at the same time if necessary. They could of coarse hold nuclear tipped missiles.
-Torpedo's for subs defense and ship to ship. We could have at least a few bays.
-Helicopter/drone decks to launch air power.
-Anti-air defense system like the iron dome to bring down air attacks and missiles. We could have 2-3 of these!
-We could make it a 1,500 feet long and armor it with the strongest shit we have.
-We could use some modern armor or something we have in the black budget to armor it. ;)

This could be part of a battle group with aircraft carrier providing air support and cover.
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Re: I'd like to see a modern day dreadnought built

Post by weatheriscool »

How would you design a modern dreadnought? What else would you add?
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Re: I'd like to see a modern day dreadnought built

Post by Jakob »

If someone wants to build a dreadnought with their own money that would be pretty cool but I don't wanna pay for that shit.
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Re: I'd like to see a modern day dreadnought built

Post by funkervogt »

It's a badass idea, but the same resources could be used to build three or four cruisers, which would collectively offer more value to the Navy.
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