Iranian war and violence news

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Re: Iranian war and violence news

Post by Doozer »

Protestors torch former leader Khomieni's home. ... stral-home

This has got the biggest news from the movement since the prison break.
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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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Iran says it enriches uranium to 60% purity at Fordo site
Source: AP

an hour ago
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran has begun producing enriched uranium at 60% purity at the country’s underground Fordo nuclear plant, official media reported Tuesday, describing it as a response to a resolution by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog.

The increased enrichment, reported by the official news agency IRNA, was seen as a significant addition to the country’s nuclear program.

From Vienna, the U.N. nuclear watchdog — the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA — said the 60% enrichment at Fordo comes on top of similar production at the Natanz plant in central Iran.

The IAEA also said that Iran plans a “significant expansion” in its production of low-enriched uranium at Fordo and a second production building at Natanz. Fordo is some 100 kilometers (62 miles) south of the capital of Tehran.

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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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Iran Shutting Down Morality Police,Official Says, After Months of Protests

Source: New York Times
Iran is abolishing the morality police, according to an announcement by the attorney general carried on state media, following months of protests set off by the death of a young woman who was being held by the force for supposedly violating the country's strict Islamic dress laws.

The decision, reported by state news outlets late Saturday night, appeared to be a major victory for feminists who have sought for years to dismantle the force and for the protest movement ignited by the death of the young woman, Mahsa Amini, 22, in September. The unrest has amounted to one of the biggest challenges in decades to Iran's system of authoritarian clerical rule and the decision to scrap the morality police was the government's first major concession to the protesters.

The morality police "was abolished by the same authorities who installed it," the statement by Attorney General Mohammad Javad Montazeri said, according to state media reports. But he went on to suggest that the judiciary would still enforce restrictions on "social behavior." He also indicated that the authorities were reviewing the head scarf regulations. But it was not immediately clear what impact these changes would have on enforcement of the dress code or whether the authorities were planning to relax the hijab law, which remained in place.

The primary role of the morality police was to enforce the laws related to Iran's conservative Islamic dress code, imposed after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and recently invigorated by the country's new ultraconservative president. The dress code for women became an ideological pillar of the ruling clerical establishment, central to its identity.
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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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^Makes me wonder what will come of the morality police themselves now that they don't have jobs? Will they resort to a life of crime?
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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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Israel Launched Drone Attack on Iranian Facility, Officials Say
Source: NY Times
A drone attack on an Iranian military facility that resulted in a large explosion in the center of the city of Isfahan on Saturday was the work of the Mossad, Israel’s premier intelligence agency, according to senior intelligence officials who were familiar with the dialogue between Israel and the United States about the incident.

The facility’s purpose was not clear, and neither was how much damage the strike caused. But Isfahan is a major center of missile production, research and development for Iran, including the assembly of many of its Shahab medium-range missiles, which can reach Israel and beyond.

Weeks ago, American officials publicly identified Iran as the primary supplier of drones to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine, and they said they believed Russia was also trying to obtain Iranian missiles to use in the conflict. But U.S. officials said they believed this strike was prompted by Israel’s concerns about its own security, not the potential for missile exports to Russia.

The strike came just as Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken was beginning a visit to Israel, his first since Benjamin Netanyahu returned to office as prime minister. The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William J. Burns, visited Israel last week, though it is not clear anything about the operation in Isfahan was discussed.
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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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This admittedly falls short of a war and violence report. Still, this thread seems to be the closest match as it does involve military news.

State Media Reports
Russian-Iranian Deal For Su-35s Finalized
by Stetson Payne
March 11, 2023

(The Drive) An Iranian state-run broadcaster, IRIB, reports Russia and Iran have agreed on the purchase of Su-35 “Flanker-E” fighter jets for the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF).

IRIB’s report cited Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations that a contract has been finalized, but at this time there has not been corresponding confirmation from Russia.

(See linked article for related Twitter feeds).

While the IRIB report ties the sale to the October 2020 expiration of Iran’s conventional arms embargo, an announcement has been somewhat expected, with the likelihood of a deal being disclosed growing significantly throughout 2022. IRIAF Commander Brig. Gen. Hamid Vahedi publicly stated in September that Iran was specifically interested in Russian “4++ generation fighters,” with indications pointing to the Su-35 being the type.

Senior U.S. officials revealed in December that Russia trained Iranian pilots on the Su-35 in Spring 2022, with the training and eventual transfers tied to continued support for Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Not long after Iran unveiled its partially underground "Eagle 44" air base last month, what appeared to be a Flanker mockup was spotted in satellite imagery of the facility, further pointing to the type's possible arrival. The heavily hardened base would also make sense for what would become by far Iran's most prized combat aircraft.
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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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US deploys guided-missile submarine amid tensions with Iran
Source: AP

an hour ago

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. Navy has deployed a guided-missile submarine capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk missiles to the Middle East, a spokesman said Saturday, in what appeared to be a show of force toward Iran following recent tensions.

The Navy rarely acknowledges the location or deployment of submarines. Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins, a spokesman for the 5th Fleet based in the Gulf nation of Bahrain, declined to comment on the submarine’s mission or what had prompted the deployment.

He said the nuclear-powered submarine, based out of Kings Bay, Georgia, passed through the Suez Canal on Friday. “It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to U.S. 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Hawkins said.

The 5th Fleet patrols the crucial Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which 20% of all oil transits. Its region includes the Bab el-Mandeb Strait off Yemen and the Red Sea stretching up to the Suez Canal, the Egyptian waterway linking the Mideast to the Mediterranean Sea.

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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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U.S. Says Iranian Forces Seize Second Oil Tanker Within a Week
May 3, 2023

(CBS News) Dubai, United Arab Emirates — Iran seized a Panama-flagged oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz on Wednesday, the second-such capture by Tehran in recent days, the U.S. Navy said. The Navy's Mideast-based 5th Fleet identified the vessel as the Niovi. It said Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard seized the ship.

The Navy published pictures of a dozen Guard vessels surrounding the tanker. Those ships "forced the oil tanker to reverse course and head toward Iranian territorial waters off the coast of Bandar Abbas, Iran," the Navy said.

"Iran's actions are contrary to international law and disruptive to regional security and stability," the 5th Fleet said in a statement. "Iran's continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights in regional waters are unwarranted, irresponsible and a present threat to maritime security and the global economy."

Iran did not immediately acknowledge the seizure.

Last week, Iran seized an oil tanker carrying crude for Chevron amid wider tensions between Tehran and the U.S. over its nuclear program. The Advantage Sweet had 23 Indians and one Russian on board.

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This still image from video released by the U.S. Navy shows the Panama-flagged oil tanker Niovi surrounded by Iranian Revolutionary Guard vessels in the Strait of Hormuz, May 3, 2023.
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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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Iran exchanges heavy gunfire with Taliban on Afghan border, escalating tensions over water rights
Source: AP

By JON GAMBRELL 15 minutes ago
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The Taliban and Iran exchanged heavy gunfire Saturday on the Islamic Republic’s border with Afghanistan, sharply escalating rising tensions between the two nations amid a dispute over water rights.

Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency quoted the country’s deputy police chief, Gen. Qassem Rezaei, accusing the Taliban of opening fire first Saturday morning on the border of Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan province and the Afghan province of Nimroz. IRNA said Iran inflicted “heavy casualties and serious damage.”

Taliban-controlled media in Afghanistan did not acknowledge the fighting.

The advocacy group HalVash, which reports on issues affecting the Baluch people in the predominately Sunni province of Sistan and Baluchestan, quoted residents in the area saying the fighting took place near the Kang district of Nimroz. It said some people in the area had fled the violence.

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Re: Iranian war and violence news

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Iran plans to escalate attacks against U.S. troops in Syria, documents show

THE DISCORD LEAKS | Covert plan to kill Americans is seen as part of a larger Russian-backed strategy to oust the United States from Syria

By Joby Warrick and Evan Hill
June 1, 2023 at 5:00 a.m. EDT
Iran is arming militants in Syria for a new phase of lethal attacks against U.S. troops in the country, while also working with Russia on a broader strategy to drive Americans from the region, intelligence officials and leaked classified documents say.

Iran and its allies are building and training forces to use more powerful armor-piercing roadside bombs intended specifically to target U.S. military vehicles and kill U.S. personnel, according to classified intelligence reports obtained by The Washington Post. Such attacks would constitute an escalation of Iran’s long-running campaign of using proxy militias to launch rocket and drone strikes on U.S. forces in Syria.

Drone attacks have wounded six U.S. service members and killed a Defense Department contractor, and the new explosive devices could add to the toll of U.S. casualties, risking a wider military confrontation with Iran, current and former intelligence analysts and weapons experts say. The same type of weapon, called an explosively formed penetrator, or EFP, was used by pro-Iranian insurgents in lethal attacks against American military convoys during the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

Officials with Iran’s elite Quds Force unit directed and oversaw testing of one of the explosives, which reportedly sliced through a tank’s armored plating in a trial run conducted in late January in Dumayr, east of Damascus, the Syrian capital, according to one of the intelligence reports. The document, part of the trove of classified materials leaked on the messaging platform Discord, appears to be based on intercepted communications by Syrian and Lebanese militants allied to Iran. One apparent attempt to use such devices against U.S. forces was apparently thwarted in late February when three bombs were seized by U.S.-allied Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria, a second document states.


By Joby Warrick
Joby Warrick joined The Washington Post’s National staff in 1996. He has served with the Post's investigative and national security teams, and writes about the Middle East, terrorism and weapons proliferation. He is the author of three books, including “Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS," which was awarded a 2016 Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction. Twitter

By Evan Hill
Evan Hill is an investigative reporter at The Washington Post focused on open-source and visual forensic techniques. He joined The Post from the New York Times in 2023 and was previously a reporter on the Times's Visual Investigations team, where he shared in three Pulitzer Prizes. Twitter
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