What are your top 5 advances you wish to see?

Talk about scientific and technological developments in the future
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Re: What are your top 5 advances you wish to see?

Post by Solaris »

1. Anti aging/immortality
Everything else is secondary objectives as I would in theory be fine living in 2023 with only this condition applied. I think I will barely make it through the finishing line
2. Complete automation in the labor force
Conditioned on UBI or any other safety net is implemented. Otherwise I would rather work than let capitalists accumulate all the wealth. I'm in the top 10 percentile anyway.
3. The Matrix (but with me as a king)
Gotta use the time from point 2 to some use. Important note is that the Matrix should function the same way as our world, with laws, rules and human behaviour functioning the same way as our own world.
4. AGI government globally with human's acting as supervisors.
No more countries, no more war, no more competition
5. Solving the mystery of the Universe
No doubts, no confusion, no uncharted territories. Everything from before the Big Bang, multiverse, simulation theory to time travel has to be solved. It will rule out whether we can we live to infinity or our lives are finite.
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Ozzie guy
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Re: What are your top 5 advances you wish to see?

Post by Ozzie guy »

1. Beneficial AGI: solve most things that are scientifically possible quite fast
2. Individuals access to enough computer power to live multiple lives in FIVR worlds
3. Full data of complete human history (probably impossible but that adds reason to want it) this allows for accurate FIVR simulations where you live life as if you are actually in the real world on x date.
4. FIVR feels exactly like the real-world perfect simulation of senses etc
5.Various methodology to prevent end of universe/make it impossible to die. This also would mean it isn't a waste for each person to have access to aforementioned computer power.

I am sure most people will say ageing cure etc but I figure that is a given post AGI and FIVR allows anything you want to exist even if it is 'fake'.
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