Things I'd like to see in the next 100 years sciencewise

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Things I'd like to see in the next 100 years sciencewise

Post by weatheriscool »

Things I'd like to see in the next 100 years sciencewise
1. Anti--aging. At least something to stop it or slow it down within the next 20-30 years and possibly to extend life by possibly double or triple within the next 100.

2. Womb transplants for biological males within the next 20 years. I think both sexes should be able to have kids and it would be better for millions of men if they did it without having to deal with other people. Also the science of egg creation based on your own dna and possibly going to the sperm bank would allow for the population of the modern first world to grow again.
2b. I'd like to see gene editing allow for the formation of a human womb and eggs within the male sex within the next 100 years. This would do away with the next of a operation and the sperm bank or what ever.
2c. I honestly I think you should be able to wear the clothe you feel right in and have the body you wish. Surgery should be made cheap and could be done by machines in 50-100 years anytime you wish. Ba? Got it. Want to confirm your gender? Well, srs could be done in the same way and attach to your womb. etc. FFS? Done.

3. Gene editing to cure cancer, lower heart disease and make babies that very rarely if ever get these diseases would be a huge win within the next 50 years. Basic cures are already being done. I don't see the downside if the motive is to cure diseases and make a human species that is healthier with a higher quality of life.

4. Bioprinting to print organs. Don't get me wrong not having aging and having a much lower chance at getting diseases that destroy organs and body parts is nice but it is still going to happen as we'll always have war and people will always get stabbed, shot and ran over. Would be nice to have a heart, leg, kidney or what ever printing within a few hours and transplanted onto your body. I'd like to see the first womb transplants done within 50-75 years based on your own dna so we solve the problem of being suitable with your body.

5. I'd like to see fusion become reality at a mass scale within 25 years. Sure, I support solar ;) but it would be a very useful tech. Not only for powering civilization but also for space travel. Imagine a fusion rocket that can travel at 3-4 times the current chemical methods do today within the next 40 years?

6. I'd like to see a.i and robotics be mandated to solve hunger and to make work a thing of the past. Seriously, at the end of the day the flaw of communism was man and the need for man to be paid. Why not use a.i and robotics to do the work in the production process of foods and basic goods? A.i and farm machines working the land, same for food processing plants, etc. Food then can be sold online or within stores for 1/10th or 1/1000th the price or even free. Free if society allows for a tax to maintain the infrastructure. I'd like to see this within the next 100 years. Make food a right!
6a. I'd like to see a system that allows for basic goods but also allows for personal advancement! Maybe a basic income like system that grants you things but also allows for a form of fair capitalism. We need to beat back the billionaire class! I believe a.i could allow us to do so as very few people will become so rich to have this level of control over the population in such a future.

7. 3d printing houses and buildings on mass scales. Imagine 6. but in building homes for people? Imagine taking people out of the process? Homes could be built for 1/10th the cost or less and of course with the right economic system could be rented to people to live in for a cheap price. The current system is back breaking as people expect money for their work but under this and 6. that wouldn't be so anymore. Everyone would have a home to live in.
7b. Imagine 7 but building buildings 5 miles tall? Space elevators and yes even super light space planes and reusable rockets? Imagine space being cheap for all? Like today's airtravel within the next 100 years?
7c, Imagine the same printers making flying cars super light that can travel 500 miles? Yes they will be more like helicopters but still pretty cool.
7d. We could also build huge telescopes with extreme fineness and accuracy. Who knows? Maybe we'll even build a telescope a mile wide in space within the next few centuries to see other planets around other stars in detail?

8. All the processes will allow for the construction of a space ship or ships that can get humanity to the moon, mars and other planets within the next 100 years. Even elons star ship and usability ideas will slowly open up space to the point where it will be silly to not at least try unless idiocy like christian nationalism bans it within the next 50 years.
8b. Maybe 7 would allow for cities and domes to be built on the moon, mars and outer planets moons within the next century or two?

9. VR/AR could very well develop to the point of allowing for you to either escape from daily life to anywhere you wish too by the help of a.i within the next 50 years or AR could allow for a constant uplink to the knowledge of the world with a helpful interface. Who knows maybe future AR will be based around Musk brain chips that will come with a remote that you can wear on your hand that allow you to switch between the methods of vr or ar without having to wear glasses?
9b. Maybe this could also be uploaded to your brain and you would have the knowledge within your own mind without years of education? maybe a.i would merge with humans within the next 100 years? I think the arm band control would allow you some control over this and independence but also the ability to work with other people needed.

All this demands the democratic party to win elections and to abolish the republican party but I think it is all doable.
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