Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

Post by weatheriscool »

Ancient stone tools found in Ukraine date to over 1 million years ago, and may be oldest in Europe ... -date.html
by Christina Larson
Ancient stone tools found in western Ukraine may be the oldest known evidence of early human presence in Europe, according to research published Wednesday in the journal Nature.
The chipped stones, deliberately fashioned from volcanic rock, were excavated from a quarry in Korolevo in the 1970s. Archaeologists used new methods to date the layers of sedimentary rock surrounding the tools to more than 1 million years old.
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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

Post by caltrek »

Toba Supereruption Unveils New Insights into Early Human Migration
March 20, 2024

(Eurekalert) Modern humans dispersed from Africa multiple times, but the event that led to global expansion occurred less than 100,000 years ago. Some researchers hypothesize that dispersals were restricted to “green corridors” formed during humid intervals when food was abundant and human populations expanded in lockstep with their environments. But a new study in Nature, including ASU researchers Curtis Marean, Christopher Campisano, and Jayde Hirniak, suggests that humans also may have dispersed during arid intervals along “blue highways” created by seasonal rivers. Researchers also found evidence of cooking and stone tools that represent the oldest evidence of archery.

Working in the Horn of Africa, researchers have uncovered evidence showing how early modern humans survived in the wake of the eruption of Toba, one of the largest supervolcanoes in history, some 74,000 years ago. The behavioral flexibility of these people not only helped them live through the supereruption but may have facilitated the later dispersal of modern humans out of Africa and across the rest of the world.

“This study confirms the results from Pinnacle Point in South Africa – the eruption of Toba may have changed the environment in Africa, but people adapted and survived that eruption-caused environmental change,” said Marean, research scientist with the Institute of Human Origins and Foundation Professor with the School of Human Evolution and Social Change.
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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

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Early humans used wood splitting 300,000 years ago to hunt animals, study shows ... imals.html
by University of Reading
Early humans used sophisticated crafting techniques such as "wood splitting" to hunt and to clean animal hides, a new study has revealed.

Using new cutting-edge imaging techniques such as 3D microscopy and micro-CT scanning for the first time, scientists from the Lower Saxony State Office for Cultural Heritage (NLD) and the Universities of Reading and Göttingen examined the oldest complete hunting weapons known to humankind. The weapons, believed to be 300,000 years old, were found during archaeological excavations in Schöningen, Germany in 1994.

The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, identifies how pre-Homo sapiens hunters re-sharpened broken points of spears and throwing sticks. Other tools were made by splitting wood, a behavior previously thought only to be practiced by our own species, Homo sapiens. Some tools made from split wood were likely used not for hunting, but to soften and smooth animal skins.
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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

Post by Time_Traveller »

Ancient humans hid in Saudi Arabian lava tube for over 7,000 years
1 hour ago

A lava tube in Saudi Arabia served as shelter to ancient humans for over 7,000 years, archaeologists have said in a new study.

While previous research established that Northern Arabia was a dynamic site of evolution and cultural development of ancient humans, the timing of their occupation and connection with the nearby Levant remained poorly understood, mainly due to poor preservation of organic remains in the arid conditions of the region.

Now, though, archaeologists are increasingly studying caves and underground settings in the region where ancient materials are sheltered from sun, wind and high fluctuations in temperature.

In the latest study, researchers assessed an archaeological site from a lava tube called Umm Jirsan located in the volcanic field of Harrat Khaybar in Saudi Arabia, about 125km north of Medina.

They found artefacts, rock art, and skeletal remains documenting repeated human occupation over the past 7,000 years at least. ... 30657.html
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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

Post by firestar464 »

Human Ancestors May Have Bucked an Evolutionary Trend ... r-BB1lO6kZ
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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

Post by caltrek »

Tibetan Plateau had Broader Social Dimensions than Previously Thought
April 29, 2024

(Eurekalert) The Tibetan plateau—the world’s highest and largest plateau—poses a challenge to the people who live there because of its extreme climate. In a new study, researchers have discovered stone artifacts that suggest that there were more cultural exchanges between those who lived on the plateau and those living on its perimeter.

“The Tibetan plateau has an average elevation of more than 4500 meters, which makes Colorado seem like it is at sea level. It’s amazing that people have been able to occupy this area on and off for at least the last 40,000 years,” said Stanley Ambrose (MME), a professor of anthropology. “Unfortunately, very little research has been done in this big area.”

The plateau covers roughly four times the size of Texas and the researchers were focused on the Holocene period, which began about 11,700 years ago. “Although the world was warmer and wetter, this high-altitude location was arid and largely grassy, making it a challenging place to live in.”

The researchers focused on a region of the plateau that supported a small human population due to its cold, dry climate and reduced oxygen levels. However, this area was prime grazing territory for yaks and gazelles. Previously it was believed that the residents developed unique strategies to survive, including making specialized stone tools and having unique genetic adaptations that helped them adapt to low oxygen conditions.

“These tools were ideal because they could be reconfigured easily for different purposes. They were flexible and versatile, allowing the owners to carry a bag of bladelets that could be then shaped within seconds,” Ambrose said. “Before that, everybody was running around with big knives and spears, which were durable and strong, but weren’t diverse.”
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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

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Re: Human Prehistory (3.3 million years BC – 3500 BC)

Post by Powers »

Scientists show that ancient village adapted to drought, rising seas
April 30, 2024
by University of California - San Diego
Around 6,200 BCE, the climate changed. Global temperatures dropped, sea levels rose and the southern Levant, including modern-day Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Lebanon, southern Syria and the Sinai desert, entered a period of drought.

Previously, archaeologists believed that this abrupt shift in global climate, called the 8.2ka event, may have led to the widespread abandonment of coastal settlements in the southern Levant. In a recent study published in the journal Antiquity, researchers at UC San Diego, the University of Haifa and Bar-Ilan University share new evidence suggesting at least one village formerly thought abandoned not only remained occupied, but thrived throughout this period. ... -seas.html
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