Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by erowind »

I hope that Kirkpatrick stepping down isn't a setback to further investigation. Many of those "testimonies" in congress were obviously bunk imo. It's good to have serious people investigating instead of quacks. I remember some former official going on about "cybernetic monstrosities" in front of the investigation committee. If there's one thing I'm certain of it's that aliens won't appear as they do in hollywood tropes.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by Cyber_Rebel »

erowind wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 1:16 am "cybernetic monstrosities"
Seven of Nine is coming to assimilate me? :oops:

In all honesty a post singularity species should be high on the list for possible hypothetical aliens, with machines being at the top. But we wouldn't be able to be certain what they would be like as we only have ourselves to base anything off of.

Aside from the popular Von Neumann probes, I remember a video mentioning the concept of 3D printing full on bodies for space exploration. I'm uncertain just how realistic that would be, but if the singularity is supposed to be unimaginable, and we can't say for certain what a singularity would even be like for the physiology of another species, then who can say?

Really, so much of the UAP thing is shrouded in speculation, to the point where we likely won't ever get a definite answer (certainly not from the governments right now) until AGI systems can perfectly monitor our skies for any unexplained phenomenon. Kind of like how Yuli mentions utilizing AI to monitor for the supernatural occurrences people report to either finally prove within that very small chance or finally put these occurrences in either case to rest.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by funkervogt »

An analysis of the "Gimbal" UFO footage indicates the object had flight characteristics far superior to any aircraft. Given the UFO's lack of wings, a propulsion system, and spent fuel exhaust, its maneuvers should be impossible.

The Gimbal video:

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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by firestar464 »

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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by caltrek »

It would seem that the original intent of the thread was to post stories linking drones and unidentified aerial phenomenon. That would have been all well and good had there been a thread on the broader theme of unidentified aerial phenomenon. Absent such a thread, it makes sense to post on that topic here. These posts demonstrate that most such sightings are probably not drones that have not been properly identified.

Watchdog Says Pentagon’s UAP Response May Pose Threat to National Security
by Howard Altman
January 25, 2024

(The Drive) he Pentagon’s “lack of a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address” Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) “may pose a threat to military forces and national security,” the Defense Department’s inspector general (DoD OIG) stated publicly for the first time on Thursday. UAP is the Pentagon's new term art for UFOs.

In an unclassified version of a classified report delivered to Congress in August, the OIG said the Pentagon “has no overarching UAP policy and, as a result, it lacks assurance that national security and flight safety threats to the United States from UAP have been identified and mitigated.”

The report reviewed the extent to which the DoD, military services, defense and military counterintelligence agencies “took intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection actions to detect, report, collect, analyze, and identify what is more commonly known as unidentified flying objects.”

That effort is currently being led by the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which was launched in July 2022. It was created to handle the government’s investigation into unidentified objects on and under the sea, in the air as well as in space - and any “transmedium” objects shifting between those domains. It was stood up amid growing concerns about threats to U.S. military installations and naval and air assets from objects of unknown origin.

However, as we noted nearly a year ago, the shootdown of a Chinese spy balloon that traversed much of the U.S. in February 2023 and three other unidentified objects a week later raised questions about AARO’s role and overall mission.
Read more here: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ ... -security
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by caltrek »

The West is Best to Spot UFOs
February 27, 2024

(Eurekalert) This [Tic Tac-shaped object that] had just traveled 60 miles in…less than a minute, was far superior in performance to my brand-new F/A-18F and did not operate with any of the known aerodynamic principles that we expect for objects that fly in our atmosphere.”

In July of 2023, retired commander in the U.S. Navy David Fravor testified to the House Oversight Committee about a mysterious, Tic Tac-shaped object that he and three others observed over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. The congressional hearings riveted the world by bringing Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) out of the “alien truther” realm and into the mainstream.

As sensor technology has advanced and personal aircraft-use has skyrocketed, our ability to explain strange events has become harder to resolve. The U.S. Department of Defense has increasingly taken UAP, formerly known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), as a serious threat to national security.

A new study led by University of Utah geographers attempts to understand if local environmental factors increase or decrease the number of sighting reports. The authors used data from the National UFO Research Center, and included approximately 98,000 total sighting reports over a 20-year period, from 2001 to 2020. For each county in the contiguous U.S., the researchers analyzed two conditions: Sky view potential, which refers to the area’s light pollution, cloud cover and tree canopy cover; and the potential for objects to be present in the sky, meaning the proximity to airports and military installations.

The majority of sightings were in western parts of the U.S. due to the region’s physical geography—lots of wide-open spaces and dark skies. UAP-reporting hotspots had credible relationships with air traffic and military activity, suggesting that people are spotting real objects, but not recognizing what they are.

Read more of the Eurekalert article here: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1035879

Read the results of the study as published in Nature - Scientific Reports here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-49527-x /

caltrek’s comment: I also read a recent article in The Week in which it was concluded that a probable explanation for a lot of sightings is plasma. Apparently, such plasma is attracted to the electrical workings of airplanes as well as to nuclear power plants. Plasma can originate from space.
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Re: Unidentified/Phantom Drones & UAPs

Post by caltrek »

DoD To Deploy ‘Gremlin’ Sensors To Collect Intel On Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena
by Joseph Trevithick
March 8, 2024

(The Drive) The Pentagon has provided new details about a deployable, readily reconfigurable suite of sensors called Gremlin being developed specifically to help gather data about so-called unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs. UAP is the preferred term for what have been more commonly called unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, in the past. That the U.S. military was pursuing "purpose-built sensors" for this purpose was first disclosed last year.

Tim Phillips, the acting director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), discussed the Gremlin "kits" with reporters ahead of the release earlier today of an unclassified version of the first volume of a Congressionally-mandated review of U.S. government involvement in matters related to UAPs. That report notably poured cold water on claims that American authorities have been hiding a program that has recovered extraterrestrial technology and actual alien remains. Not surprisingly, some have welcomed the report, while others have claimed it is just more evidence of a cover-up.

AARO was created in 2022 to act as a focal point for refining and centralizing Pentagon-wide policies and procedures for tracking, reporting, and analyzing UAP incidents. It has also been tasked with acting as a U.S. military repository for UAP-related intelligence assessments and other data. The video below is an example of a reported UAP sighting that AARO has reviewed and information that is now in its repository. This incident was subsequently assessed to have involved a trio of commercial aircraft.
Further extracts:
...testing has included "known" targets, or ones that sensor operators are informed about beforehand, as well as "unknown" ones, DefenseScoop reported. Using known targets, which have reportedly been drones, would allow personnel to get a sense first of how the system works and what it can and cannot detect.

Just since its establishment in 2022, AARO has already assessed dozens of reported UAP incidents to have actually involved readily identifiable things like drones and balloons. Phillips calls these reports "AARO garbage," though it is worth noting that drones and balloons present a variety of very real potential national security threats, something The War Zone regularly highlights.
Read more here: https://www.twz.com/air/dod-to-deploy- ... g-objects
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