Cancer News and Discussions

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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Vitamin D Alters Mouse Gut Bacteria to Give Better Cancer Immunity
April 25, 2024

(Eurekalert) Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Aalborg University in Denmark, have found that vitamin D encourages the growth of a type of gut bacteria in mice which improves immunity to cancer.

Reported today in Science, the researchers found that mice given a diet rich in vitamin D had better immune resistance to experimentally transplanted cancers and improved responses to immunotherapy treatment. This effect was also seen when gene editing was used to remove a protein that binds to vitamin D in the blood and keeps it away from tissues.

Surprisingly, the team found that vitamin D acts on epithelial cells in the intestine, which in turn increase the amount of a bacteria called Bacteroides fragilis. This microbe gave mice better immunity to cancer as the transplanted tumours didn’t grow as much, but the researchers are not yet sure how.

To test if the bacteria alone could give better cancer immunity, mice on a normal diet were given Bacteroides fragilis. These mice were also better able to resist tumour growth but not when the mice were placed on a vitamin D-deficient diet.

Previous studies have proposed a link between vitamin D deficiency and cancer risk in humans, although the evidence hasn’t been conclusive.
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Regulating Cholesterol Levels Might be the Key to Improving Cancer Treatment
April 30, 2024

(Eurekalert) A team of researchers from Aarhus University has made a remarkable discovery that could improve cancer treatment and the treatment of a number of other illnesses.

The key lies in regulating cholesterol levels, which can help make existing treatments more effective.

"We’ve identified a new mechanism that can regulate a crucial immune pathway in the fight against cancer, and this gives us a deeper understanding of how we can activate the body's own defence against the disease," explains Professor Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen from the Department of Biomedicine and one of the last three authors of the study.

Special focus on an essential protein

The researchers have focused on the so-called STING protein, an important element of the immune system's defence against cancer cells.

By manipulating cholesterol levels, the researchers were able to improve the function of the STING protein, thereby opening up new ways of bolstering the body's natural defences against cancer.
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Pan-cancer analysis uncovers a new class of promising CAR T–cell immunotherapy targets ... class.html
by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Targeting anti-cancer therapy to affect cancer cells but not healthy cells is challenging. For chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T–cell immunotherapy, where a patient's own immune cells are re-engineered to attack cancer cells, many solid and brain cancers lack an effective target.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital scientists have identified 156 potential targets through a comprehensive analysis paired with an experimental validation in vivo. The findings were published today in Nature Communications.

"We discovered targets for cancer immunotherapy, which hopefully can be translated in the future into curative approaches," said co-corresponding author Stephen Gottschalk, MD, St. Jude Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy chair.
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden

Some Republicans, refusing to give President Joe Biden a 'win,' voted against the renewal of funding for cancer research. Vote for those who do not politicize Americans' health.

Dr. Thomas K. Lew | Opinion contributor

I’m afraid I have some bad news.

As a hospital doctor, I’ve gotten pretty good at delivering bad news. Still, it never gets any easier. It certainly was not easy the day I told my 53-year-old patient, a devoted father of two, that his stomach pains were not from gallstones as everyone had assumed. Whenever a doctor says “bad news,” our minds often jump to that terrible “C”-word we fear: cancer. Unfortunately for my patient, I diagnosed him with a deadly form of cancer: cholangiocarcinoma. Over the next year, I would watch him deteriorate as he was readmitted with complication after complication.

Cancer affects everyone in some way, shape or form. Whether personally or through a family member or friend, the stress and heartbreak of a cancer diagnosis is immeasurable. Which is why I was so surprised when I read that Congress would not be renewing investments in the “Cancer Moonshot” initiative dedicated to curing cancer. ... 525016007/
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Unearthing the Atomic Fingerprints of Cancer
May 6, 2024

(Eurekalert) Scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder and Princeton University have, for the first time, employed a tool often used in geology to detect the atomic fingerprints of cancer.

In a case of medicine meets earth science, the researchers discovered that cancer cells may be made from a different assortment of hydrogen atoms than healthy tissue. The findings could give doctors new strategies for studying how cancer grows and spreads—and may even, one day, lead to new ways to spot cancer early on in the body.
She (CU Boulder geochemist AshleyMaloney) explained that in nature, hydrogen comes in two main flavors, or isotopes. Some hydrogen atoms, called deuterium, are a little heavier, while others, usually just known as hydrogen, are a little lighter. On Earth, hydrogen atoms outnumber deuterium atoms by a ratio of about 6,420 to one.

Fermenting yeast cells, the kind that resemble cancer, contained roughly 50 percent fewer deuterium atoms on average than the normal yeast cells, a startling change. Cancerous cells exhibited a similar but not quite as strong shortage in deuterium.
Read more of the Eurekalert article here:

For a technical presentation of the results of the study as presented in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Test-at-home kit for cancer patients approved for use

13 hours ago

A new device to help reduce the time cancer patients spend in hospital has been given regulatory approval.

The Liberty allows patients to take blood tests - and upload the results - at home, and without supervision.

Its users say it allows them to cut down on draining hospital visits, while clinicians suggest it could boost NHS productivity.

After being trialled at the Christie, in Manchester, the device will now be deployed at 12 NHS sites.

However, Cancer Research UK says it has so far only been trialled on a small number of people. More work is needed before we know whether it can be used more widely in cancer care, the charity says.

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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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HPV vaccine stops 90% of cervical cancer cases

49 minutes ago

Giving teenagers the HPV vaccine is cutting cases of cervical cancer by 90%, figures for England show.

Scientists say it works so well that this type of cancer could be eradicated in the near future.

The study shows the vaccine is most effective when offered to Year 8 students - those aged 12 to 13.

The vaccine also provides protection against genital warts by preventing human papillomavirus (HPV) infections.
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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Research explains new method to engineer immune cells that could treat multiple cancer patients

by Linda Wang, University of California, Los Angeles
Immunotherapies have revolutionized cancer treatment by harnessing the body's own immune system to attack cancer cells and halt tumor growth. However, these therapies often need to be tailored to each individual patient, slowing down the treatment process and resulting in a hefty price tag that could soar well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per patient.

To tackle these limitations, UCLA researchers have developed a new, clinically guided method to engineer more powerful immune cells called invariant natural killer T cells, or iNKT cells, that can be used for an "off-the-shelf" cancer immunotherapy in which immune cells from a single cord-blood donor can be used to treat multiple patients. ... ancer.html
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Re: Cancer News and Discussions

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New lung cancer pill produces “unprecedented” results in human trial
By Paul McClure
June 03, 2024

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. A trial of a new anti-cancer drug has found that five years after treatment, 60% of patients with a very common form of the disease are still alive, and the cancer has not progressed.

The protein anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) helps control cell growth. It’s made by the ALK gene, which can be rearranged by some cancers, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), causing the cancer to grow and spread. One of the two main types of lung cancer – the other is small cell lung cancer – NSCLC accounts for around 80% to 85% of lung cancers, with ALK-positive tumors occurring in about 3% to 5% of those cases. ALK-positive NSCLC is typically more aggressive and seen in younger people with a light or non-smoking history. ... nib-trial/
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