COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Yuli Ban
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by raklian »

To know is essentially the same as not knowing. The only thing that occurs is the rearrangement of atoms in your brain.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by raklian »

Read this thread. It's important. :(

EDIT: It looks like this guy may have extrapolated his findings based on inaccurate statistical data.

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Ken_J »

Yuli Ban wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:07 pm Image
I'm going to take a wild swing at it right now and say:
I think Omicron will spread on par with delta, and not replace it so much as tag team with it. the severity of the illness will also parallel delta once the initial discovery phase levels off. but it will drastically decrease the effectiveness of the vaccines, making the sub 40% effective, though fewer vaccinated will die the number of hospital admissions will rise threatening bed space in hospitals all over again. and immunity from previous infection alone will not work against it, though it won't be quite as bad as if it was a completely novel virus from the start again. But the worst part is that populations that were at lower risk of life threatening sickness may see a sharp increase in serious health outcomes and death.

The United State will try and act as though the middle option above in Yulis post is the situation. Individual states however will opt to resist that and several will treat it more like the left side option. While the anti-mask, anti-vaxx, anti- stay at home, militant set will hold rallies and attempt raids on government buildings again and the political party I don't even have to name for you to know who I'm talking about, will refuse to reestablish bussiness shut down and closing parks and public spaces. And they will absolutely not allow checks to be issued again to the people, so the can support themselves through this new wave. They will also refuse to allow protections for renters and increased unemployment protections from being started up again.

It won't be until end of first quarter of 2022 that the devistating consequences of these choices will be really seen, and the same party will spin it as a failure of the Biden administration. Mid-term elections will go as badly as many fear they will. By summer the eviction crisis will be a legitimate horror show and the economy will be as well. The Covid death tolls will be much higher than they need to be by a large amount due to mishandling on both the state and federal levels, and there will be so much finger pointing that the political divide will become far worse. (I'll not go much more into the political here, just that I expect there to be some assassination to occur somewhere in the US before 2024)

maybe I give too much credit to the rest of the world, but I feel like most of Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan and the UK won't get anywhere near this stupid. They will likely under-perform in their response, and there may be some resistance to the disruption to their lives, but I have more faith in the sense of responsibility and respect for science and expertise of those populations than I do the US. Russia and China will likely be worse off than those countries but better off than the US, because the will 'control' the population and the information. India and africa and a good portion of south America will do poorly.

The end of 2023 will see world numbers of deaths from Coronavirus that make it the deadliest disease in modern history in whole numbers, but perhaps not quite on par with the plague by percentage of population killed.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

But it's mild, right? No cause for alarm?

"This virus is so bad that we need to do something, but because it's so bad we can't do anything. Have a good day."
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »


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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

A federal judge blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for U.S. health workers.

By Azi Paybarah and Reed Abelson
Nov. 30, 2021 Updated 8:53 p.m. ET

A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction on Tuesday to halt the start of President Biden's national vaccine mandate for health care workers, which had been set to begin next week.

The injunction, written by Judge Terry A. Doughty, effectively expanded a separate order issued on Monday by a federal court in Missouri. The earlier one had applied only to 10 states that joined in a lawsuit against the president's decision to require all health workers in hospitals and nursing homes to receive at least their first shot by Dec. 6 and to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4.

"There is no question that mandating a vaccine to 10.3 million health care workers is something that should be done by Congress, not a government agency," Judge Doughty of U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana wrote. He added: "It is not clear that even an act of Congress mandating a vaccine would be constitutional."

The plaintiffs, he added, also have an "interest in protecting its citizens from being required to submit to vaccinations" and to prevent the loss of jobs and tax revenue that may result from the mandate.

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Covid: Omicron variant in Netherlands earlier than thought
Source: BBC
The new Covid-19 variant, Omicron, was present in the Netherlands earlier than previously thought, officials say. It was identified in two test samples taken in the country between 19 and 23 November, which is before the variant was first reported by South Africa. It is not clear whether those who took the tests had visited southern Africa. It was previously thought that two flights that arrived from South Africa on Sunday had brought the first cases of the variant to the Netherlands.

Fourteen people on the flights to the capital, Amsterdam, tested positive for Omicron, among 61 passengers who were found to have coronavirus.However, while the two new samples reveal Omicron was in the Netherlands earlier than thought, they do not predate the cases in southern Africa. The variant was first found in a specimen collected on 9 November, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Early evidence suggests Omicron has a higher re-infection risk. But scientists say it will take about three weeks before it is known how the heavily mutated variant impacts on the effectiveness of vaccines. It's unlikely we will ever know precisely when or where Omicron first emerged. South Africa alerted the world to the new variant on 24 November after it found its first case. Since then, other countries have been on the lookout for it and more cases have been identified around the globe thanks to genome sequencing tests.

Not every nation has the ability, however, to carry out these added checks. Even the UK, which is one of the front-runners using the technology, is unable to screen every positive Covid case to determine which variant is the cause. PCR tests, meanwhile, can hint if a Covid case might be Omicron, but cannot confirm it for sure.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

If it causes severe long term neurological symptoms, then there is a definite possibility of this pandemic being a potential existential threat to humanity. Who knows! Perhaps a pandemic is the Great Filter. Of course that's just doomer thinking on my part.
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