This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI

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Yuli Ban
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This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI

Post by Yuli Ban »

This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI
The Synthetic Party in Denmark is dedicated to following a platform churned out by an AI, and its public face is a chatbot named Leader Lars.
The Synthetic Party, a new Danish political party with an artificially intelligent representative and policies derived from AI, is eyeing a seat in parliament as it hopes to run in the country’s November general election.

The party was founded in May by the artist collective Computer Lars and the non-profit art and tech organization MindFuture Foundation. The Synthetic Party’s public face and figurehead is the AI chatbot Leader Lars, which is programmed on the policies of Danish fringe parties since 1970 and is meant to represent the values of the 20 percent of Danes who do not vote in the election. Leader Lars won't be on the ballot anywhere, but the human members of The Synthetic Party are committed to carrying out their AI-derived platform.

“We're representing the data of all fringe parties, so it's all of the parties who are trying to get elected into parliament but don't have a seat. So it's a person who has formed a political vision of their own that they would like to realize, but they usually don't have the money or resources to do so,” Asker Staunæs, the creator of the party and an artist-researcher at MindFuture, told Motherboard.

Leader Lars is an AI chatbot that people can speak with on Discord. You can address Leader Lars by beginning your sentences with an “!”. The AI understands English but writes back to you in Danish.
Well then! That's certainly fascinating.
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Re: This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI

Post by Cyber_Rebel »

We need to implement this model in the States. If we improved upon it by "feeding" the A.I. needed data on how to best improve society and represent the interest of the people, it could prove more useful than the so called "representatives" we often find ourselves with. An A.I. could provide an unbiased viewpoint on certain policies and their implementation, without being confounded by special interest.

At the very least, an A.I. party "boss" leading the way (policy) and us peons acting on its suggestions (legislation) is certainly a future-point moment. Automate the shit out of current day politicians. ;)
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Re: This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI

Post by raklian »

Imagine a politician that you can chat with anytime. :)
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Re: This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

I knew eventually this tech would be used to go against the ass kissers lol. Sure it says what it says but this also can or probably would replace representatives as Cyber_Rebel mentioned. While it may not have been super duper amazing my youth did teach me that its best to be honest in that regard and avoid ass kissing as much as possible. I understand some may be forced to do such things so it is understandable.

All this tech was created, after all, to find out what the ass kissers really think of their leaders or as more directly seen in Europe their country owners such as Kings, Queens, etc. You name it its probably been created for that very reason with easy examples being the mind reading technology that I can remember floating around on the internet since before it started getting really good in the 2000's. With the way things have gone the older mind reading tech probably has had quite the boost to where it is undetectable by most people with only the older 1st gen tech being the ones that make people realize not even the privacy of their minds is safe of what they truly think of people. Its probably a whole grid setup by now if it has gotten as good as I think it has been and deployed worldwide.

So yeah surprising and yet not so surprising. I figured eventually things like this would happen.
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