2023-2024 Presidential, senate, house, state and city election thread

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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

A media pundit has opined that a crowded Republican primary field will actually help Donald Trump. As they smell blood in the water, more candidates may come forward as opposed to uniting behind a single opponent to Trump. Of course, this will have the advantage of battle testing such candidates if the choice narrows down to Trump versus the leading opponent.

One probable candidate we haven't talked about much: Mike Pence.

Trump Warned Pence Not to ‘Wimp Out’ Before January 6, Pence Writes
by Olivia Olander
November 9, 2022

(Politico) “If it gives you the power, why would you oppose it?” Trump reportedly asked Pence, about a lawsuit from House Republicans that would have allowed Pence to have exclusive authority over the election results.

In the excerpt, published in The Wall Street Journal, the former vice president recounts being admonished by Trump for his refusal to sway the results of the election in their administration’s favor.

Pence’s book, titled “So Help Me God,” is scheduled to be released next Tuesday — the same day that Trump, widely expected to launch another presidential run, has said he’ll make a “very big announcement.”

“‘You can be a historic figure, but if you wimp out, you’re just another somebody,’” Pence said Trump told him after the 2020 election. Pence also wrote that Trump warned him — on Jan. 6, 2021 — he would “go down as a wimp” if he certified the election results.

Pence, in his commentary, reaffirmed that he welcomed debate and challenges to the 2020 presidential results, but did not believe he should reject electors unilaterally.
Read more here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politic ... -AA13VXLX
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

There is a saying that in making military preparation, generals often make the mistake of trying to fight the last war. That they are backward looking instead of properly looking at new technologies and circumstances.

It is looking increasingly likely that Governor Ron DeSantis will emerge as the front runner for the 2024 race. It is doubtful that he would be any kind of improvement over Trump. In fact, some argue that he is a smarter harder working version of Trump, and therefore even more dangerous. Clearly, a person who needs to be better understood it Democrats hope to fight off a Republican victory in 2024.

DeSantis’ Policies Are Terrible for Moms. He Convinced Them Otherwise
by Kierra Butler
November 10, 2022

(Mother Jones) On Election Day, the much-hyped red wave didn’t crest quite as high as some polls predicted it would, with Democrats scoring key victories in several states. Yet it was far from a total wash for Republicans—and in a few places, they made historic advances. In Florida, for instance, incumbent Governor (and likely presidential candidate) Ron DeSantis crushed Democratic opponent Charlie Crist, winning the Republican vote even in traditionally deep blue counties.

The forces behind DeSantis’ victory are many and complex. The fact that he was an incumbent naturally gave him an edge. In addition, he spent much of the last four years positioning himself as the more-MAGA-than-Trump candidate. He jeered at the Biden administration, railed against pandemic protections, and made an over-the-top and roundly criticized show of cracking down on migrants from the southern border (who were from Texas, not Florida). With these strategies, he has broadened his Republican base and made inroads into previously Democratic-leaning blocs, including Latin Americans and millennial and Gen-Z Floridians.

But another group of Florida voters he has strategically cultivated may have been especially significant. In the online Florida politics journal Sayfie Review, political analyst Susan McManus noted that in the last year, more than twice as many Florida women have switched parties from Democrat to Republican than the reverse—some 51,000 in the former category, compared to 20,000 in the latter. Florida’s First Lady Casey DeSantis boasted last week that 1.1 million women had signed on to her Mamas for DeSantis campaign group. “If that number’s correct,” says Aubrey Jewett, a professor of political science at the University of Central Florida, “that’s pretty impressive.” Especially considering the fact that by many measures—maternal and child health, family leave, and pay equity, to name but a few—life for women and children in Florida is not going particularly well. Ron DeSantis has managed to convince women that his brand of family values is good for them—despite abundant evidence to the contrary.

A central—if not the central—part of DeSantis’ approach has been to cater to the growing number of women who have demonstrated their support for what they call parents’ rights.
Read more here: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2 ... therwise/

caltrek's comment: I know it can be exhausting and frustrating to be thinking of 2024 when we still haven't even wrapped up the 2022 elections. The truism comes to mind that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Donald Trump Declares War on Ron DeSantis as Fox News Crowns Him King of the Republican Party
by David Badash
November 11, 2022

(Alternet) Donald Trump, the de facto head of the Republican Party, just essentially declared war on Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis, who won re-election Tuesday in a strong showing, is presumed to be a potential 2024 presidential candidate. He would be battling Trump, whose top advisors say will announce his third run for the White House next week.

But all three Murdoch-owned outlets in the U.S. – Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post – have attacked Trump this week, blaming him directly for Republicans’ historically poor performance in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

(See article linked below for Twitter feeds)

Fox News is embracing DeSantis.

On his Truth Social platform, Trump Thursday evening unleashed a series of rants attacking “Governor Ron DeSanctimonious,” ironically just hours after his former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, specifically urged the two men to get along. “We’re all on the same team” she said on Fox News.
Read more here: https://www.alternet.org/2022/11/donal ... desantis/
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by weatheriscool »

YouGov/Yahoo national: DeSantis +7 over Trump

https://today.yougov.com/topics/politic ... d-congress

1500 adults, conducted November 9-11.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Under normal politics, one expects something resembling a demolition derby early in the election cycle. Once a nominee is selected, candidates close ranks.

Trump has at least one additional card to play, and he seems willing to play it: Make me the nominee or I will burn the (Republican party) house down by launching my own third-party attempt in the general election. This would likely draw more votes away from the Republicans in the general election. Winning the nomination would thus become a pyrrhic victory (although it would serve to finally distance Trump from the GOP).
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Trump Corp. ‘Hostile Witness’ Walks Back Tax Fraud Testimony in Criminal Trial
by Nina Pullano
November 14, 2022

MANHATTAN (Courthouse News) — Jeff McConney is a government witness in the New York tax fraud case against the Trump Corporation. He’s also a senior vice president at the company, which is paying for his attorney in Trump business investigations, and has met with the business’s own lawyers multiple times since his testimony began. And now, he’s a hostile witness in the ongoing criminal trial.

Judge Juan Manuel Merchan had twice denied prosecutors’ request to consider McConney adverse and to ask him leading questions. He changed course Monday during redirect examination after the government argued McConney’s evasive answers, demeanor and feigned inability to understand questions proved he was playing hard for the Trump team.

“He has a hard time, frankly, giving very credible answers,” Merchan said.

Defense attorney Susan Necheles argued that McConney wasn’t trying to get out of answering questions, and was in fact admitting to tax fraud he’d committed while working for the Trump Corporation. Those include lowering salaries to allow executives to fund their personal lives pre-tax, and filing tax forms that failed to declare certain employees lived in New York City so they could get out of a city tax.
McConney, who testified in front of a grand jury at least twice in this matter, as well as for other unspecified investigations, has immunity for those crimes.

“I think it’s pretty clear to the average observer that he is very helpful to you,” Merchan told Necheles. “When he doesn’t understand the question, he tries to understand the question.”
Read more here: https://www.courthousenews.com/trump-c ... al-trial/

caltrek’s comment: If you go on to read the rest of the article a curious defense arises. Trump was innocent because he was too incompetent to understand the implications of what he was signing. Implied in that is a poor judgement in hiring. So, Trump supporters seem to feel he should be allowed the incompetence defense so that he can go on to be elected president.

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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by weatheriscool »

Trump to announce he will run for president in 2024
Donald Trump, the only president impeached twice, plans to seek a return to the Oval Office in 2024, he will say Tuesday, two years after voters ousted him and a week after they rejected his hand-picked candidates in several pivotal Senate races.

His plan was confirmed by a longtime adviser, just hours before he was due to begin speaking from his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Trump is at once the immediate front-runner for the Republican nomination and a diminished force within his party. As results rolled in from last week's midterm election — with Democrats maintaining control of the Senate and Republicans winning a much smaller-than-expected majority in the House — some Republican elites began publicly clamoring for Trump to step aside for the good of the party.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald ... -rcna36987
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by spryfusion »

Donald Trump, who tried to overturn Biden's legitimate election, launches 2024 bid
Donald Trump, who tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep himself in power, announced he is running again for president in 2024.

"I am announcing my candidacy for president of the United States," Trump, 76, said flanked by massive American flags, at his Mar-a-Lago club and home in Palm Beach, Fla.

The announcement — and official filing — comes just a week after the 2022 midterm elections, which saw a lackluster performance from Trump-backed Republican candidates in key Senate races and competitive House elections. As a result, Democrats were able to retain control of the Senate.

"America's comeback starts right now," Trump said, claiming, "Your country is being destroyed before your eyes."

The dark vision hearkened back to Trump's inauguration speech of a country suffering "American carnage" and in need of him to fix it.
Read more here: https://www.npr.org/2022/11/15/10442342 ... ident-2024
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by wjfox »

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