Ukraine War Watch Thread

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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by caltrek »

Russia’s Only Pump-Jet Kilo Class Submarine Is Back To Attack Ukraine
by Thomas Newdick
June 28, 2022

(The Drive) A unique Russian diesel-electric submarine, the Alrosa, has returned to sea for trials ahead of rejoining the Black Sea Fleet with a new armament of cruise missiles. The one-off submarine, the oldest in the Black Sea Fleet, is likely to join combat operations against Ukraine, where Russia is now waging an intensified campaign of missile bombardment.

Russia’s state-owned TASS news agency reported today that the Alrosa, a sub-variant of the Project 877 or Kilo class diesel-electric boats, went to sea to begin post-upgrade trials. This had been disclosed by the Black Sea Fleet’s 13th Ship Repair Plant in Sevastopol, Crimea.

“The submarine has deployed [to the sea from the Sevastopol Bay],” the plant said. “For the first time over eight years, it will be tested in various modes of operation and must prove its ability to operate according to its designation.”

Photos and videos also appeared on social media today (see link below to view Twitter feeds), showing the Alrosa leaving the repair facility. It is important to note, however, that it’s unclear how long these trials will take and exactly when the submarine will be declared ready for operational service. Furthermore, these are factory trials that are likely to be followed by further trials carried out by the Russian Navy.

There are few details of the extent of the upgrade, but it’s widely stated to have included the addition of 3M14 Kalibr subsonic cruise missiles, known to NATO as SS-N-30A Sagaris.
Read more here: ... k-ukraine
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by caltrek »

While I don’t particularly care for the cheerleader tone, the article below does contain some interesting information

Battle Wagons
by Emma Helfrich
June 27, 2022

(The Drive) he War Zone’s relationship with Alexander Darushin began with a Volga sedan.

This wasn’t just any Volga sedan, though, as the model in the demonstration video that started circulating online earlier this month was a Soviet-era GAZ-24-10 Volga with a remote-controlled KPVT 14.5 mm heavy machine gun mounted onto its back. The bizarre technical, that you can read all about in our original post here, was engineered specifically for Ukrainian forces as they defend the country against Russian invaders and looks like something that could have come straight out of the Mad Max universe.

Both the Volga and the KPVT machine gun are designs that were originally introduced in the Soviet Union, offering Ukrainians a semblance of poetic justice being that units are now using them to counter Russian attacks. The KPVT machine gun affixed to the vehicle's rear is a vehicle-mounted variant of the KPV machine gun that was first introduced in the 1940s. While mounting machine guns to the backs of vehicles is an inherent aspect of many of these weapons' designs, doing so with a Volga is definitely a rarity. The Volga itself, originally introduced in 1985, also required quite the makeover in order to sustain the KPVT's firepower. Thus, a new set of off-road tires, a significantly lifted suspension, and a front-mounted bull bar were all added to the sedan's chassis. The ingenuity is undeniable, and The War Zone jumped at the opportunity to showcase it.
Read more here: ... er-garage
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by funkervogt »

While President Joe Biden dispatched the U.S. attorney general to Kyiv last week to advise the Ukrainians on how to prosecute Russians for war crimes, Berlin performed a simple calculation. The German energy firm Uniper, Europe’s largest buyer of Russian gas, has seen shipments from Gazprom fall by more than quarter. Gazprom has reduced shipments to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline by 60%, and is about to shut it down completely for “planned maintenance” of undetermined duration. The longer Ukraine frustrates Putin’s attempts to win a conventional war, many Germans worry, the more inclined he’ll be to opt for a total gas embargo on Europe. A gas embargo might cause a German depression. Much of its industrial sector would simply shut down. There would be a fiscal crisis across the eurozone, and the return of a balance-of-payments crisis. European unity would split. Trans-Atlantic cohesion would crater.

There is no sense in pretending that Putin could never afford a gas embargo, German officials have come to believe, given the experience of sanctions. After the imposition of Western sanctions in March, Russian exports increased by 8% in April. The explosion in the value of Russian commodity exports means Putin’s current account surplus this year may double from last year, making the loss of his foreign exchange assets irrelevant. The West’s arrogant miscalculation about the size and importance of Russia’s economy contributed directly to ruinous dynamics that routinely convulse Western democracies: spiraling inflation, cost of living crises, a looming rise in immigration and refugee flows as supplies continue to fall. The consequences of the anti-Russia sanctions have been worse, Germans argue, than if we had imposed no sanctions at all. ... by-germany
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by ibm9000 »

So, certain Russian...
from Samara...
what happened to that Fairy Tale?, or it was a confirmed fantasy? They just slipped away... the third option. Have you been able to get any interviews from those "hostages"?
Western military experts say Russia's progress will halt soon due to ammunition, equipment, and manpower shortages. If the West gives Ukraine enough money and weapons, the balance of power could shift in their favor by the end of this year.
Experts? Will halt due to shortages, so no shortage, no halt. I can say that too. If enough weapons... could -or not-, so no weapons, they go down the toilet. In four months?, let's say a year, it is not our blood right?
I think I heard this before, maybe even a couple of times, but it seems that using 60.000 rounds of artillery a day is the definition of "logistical problems".
While President Joe Biden dispatched the U.S. attorney general to Kiev last week to advise the Ukrainians on how to prosecute Russians for war crimes...
Anywhere else to prosecute any other crimes? Because to prosecute "Russians" is not to prosecute war crimes and is not Justice, unless the "new" definition means biased-and-partial-justice.
The mentality will be to blame Ukrainian terrorists. As if no right to self-defense exists. I would not be surprised if, like cancer, this spreads into genuinely terrorist acts within Russia properly defined. Of course, Putin and the Russian elite will take no responsibility for completely mucking this all up. The U.S., NATO, and other such entities will instead be blamed, despite no evidence whatsoever of any connection or encouragement by such entities.
I wonder if you were so casual with this "right to self-defense" when American troops were blown-up in Iraq. I am pretty sure some people could call you terrorist or traitor... and a few more things too. By the way, I cannot remember that "right" being a "recognized right" when a catholic was using it in NI.

According to the Watson Institute, since 9-11, US interventions have caused more than 300.000 deaths, I guess NATO can add a few more corpses.
Well, this is my point, HYPOCRISY, we know they are a bunch of criminals because we are a bunch of criminals, and I find annoying this racist "double-think".
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by caltrek »

ibm9000 wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:52 pm ...
The mentality will be to blame Ukrainian terrorists. As if no right to self-defense exists. I would not be surprised if, like cancer, this spreads into genuinely terrorist acts within Russia properly defined. Of course, Putin and the Russian elite will take no responsibility for completely mucking this all up. The U.S., NATO, and other such entities will instead be blamed, despite no evidence whatsoever of any connection or encouragement by such entities.
I wonder if you were so casual with this "right to self-defense" when American troops were blown-up in Iraq. I am pretty sure some people could call you terrorist or traitor... and a few more things too. By the way, I cannot remember that "right" being a "recognized right" when a catholic was using it in NI.

According to the Watson Institute, since 9-11, US interventions have caused more than 300.000 deaths, I guess NATO can add a few more corpses.
Well, this is my point, HYPOCRISY, we know they are a bunch of criminals because we are a bunch of criminals, and I find annoying this racist "double-think".
Apparently, you have no clue as to my posting history. If you did, you would know that I adamantly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq. You would also know that I have been posting items highly critical of U.S. aggressions in the name of fighting the so-called war on terrorism. I do not understand what is hypocritical about being critical of both U.S. aggression and Russian aggression. Both are aggression, and both should be condemned. There is no doublethink there. Furthermore, I am getting a little tired of having to accompany every criticism of Russian action with an equal criticism of U.S. action only to have that acknowledgement ignored and the argument of hypocrisy raised anyway.

If your argument concerning hypocrisy is raised in order to justify indifference to suffering caused by military action anywhere, then I suppose you have accomplished your goal. Hardly a very noble one.
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by funkervogt »

Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov argues that stationing troops on Snake Island makes no sense for either side as they would become an easy target. Instead, Mr Zhdanov advocates creating "fire control" - maintaining the capability to strike any target approaching the island.
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by ibm9000 »

No, I am not one of your followers, but this is not about your position on what US does, but on what is done on Americans. Do you know of many people around here celebrating every time a British soldier was shot in NI?, every time a HUMVEE was blown-up in Iraq?, any outrage about it?

It seems that you are tired of one thing and that I am tired of one -different- thing. If we don't provide context about what happens in politics, at war, we may sound like fashion followers.
While President Joe Biden dispatched the U.S. attorney general to Kiev last week to advise the Ukrainians on how to prosecute Russians...
I guess you could say this is my point, how happily we point our finger at somebody else...
and how happy we are about it...
again and again.
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by weatheriscool »

US announces $820M in Ukraine aid, including missile systems
Source: ABC News
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. announced on Friday that it will provide Ukraine with $820 million in new military aid, including new surface-to-air missile systems and counter-artillery radars to respond to Russia's heavy reliance on long-range strikes in the war.

Russia in recent days has launched dozens of missiles across Ukraine and pinned down Ukrainian forces with continuous fire for sometimes hours at a time. Ukraine's leaders have publicly called on Western allies to quickly send more ammunition and advanced systems that will help them narrow the gap in equipment and manpower.

All told, the U.S. has committed more than $8.8 billion in weapons and military training to Ukraine, whose leaders have sought more help from Western allies to repel larger and heavily equipped Russian forces. About $7 billion of that aid has been announced since Russia's February invasion.
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Re: Ukraine War Watch Thread

Post by joe00uk »

wjfox wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:20 am
I suppose it's quite an important sign that for the pro-Ukrainians to feel confident, they need to pounce on something as insignificant as Snake Island, as if that's going to change anything in the Donbass.
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