The Tempest - 6th generation fighter jet

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The Tempest - 6th generation fighter jet

Post by wjfox »

News and discussions of this futuristic aircraft. 8-)


Next-generation fighter jet planned for 2035

9th December 2022

The UK government has announced it will collaborate with Italy and Japan to develop the Tempest, a new fighter jet to replace the Typhoon.


The Tempest will use a plethora of futuristic technologies including artificial intelligence, AR/VR interactive cockpit displays, haptic feedback, eye-tracking and gesture control, and the ability to guide a wing of several smaller robotic aircraft. Its flexible payload bay and other systems could allow directed energy weapons and hypersonic missiles, in addition to swarming technology assisted by machine learning.

The pilot's helmet will even monitor brain signals and other medical data, amassing a unique biometric and psychometric information database that will improve the more the pilot flies. The jet's AI will work in conjunction with the database to assist the pilot – for example, taking over the flight controls if he/she blacks out due to g-force, or increasing its own workload when the pilot is overwhelmed or under increased stress, e.g. taking over terminal guidance after weapon deployment if the pilot's attention is focused on a more imminent threat to the aircraft. The AI is also intended to function as a "gatekeeper" that will parse the overwhelming quantity of sensor and intelligence data collected by the aircraft to identify key threats, while throttling the rate processed data is provided to the pilot to prevent him/her being overloaded.

The Tempest will retain low observability even at supersonic speeds. Its defensive aid system will track, target, and intercept incoming missiles. In addition, integrated effects will allow the aircraft to engage with a range of non-kinetic effectors, such as EW (Electronic Warfare) jamming and directed energy weapons. The aircraft's two generators are expected to provide 10 times more electrical power than the Typhoon's, while a new radar will be four times as accurate as existing sensors in a package only 1/10th the size. It is envisaged that the aircraft will incorporate automated support/maintenance on the ground, such as additive manufacturing, and collaborative robots.

Read more: ... t-2035.htm

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