The First Days of The Future™ Will Be Mundane | ASI will come too quickly

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Re: The First Days of The Future™ Will Be Mundane | ASI will come too quickly

Post by Vakanai »

Jimmy Karwood wrote: Sun May 08, 2022 4:27 am Okay, but when do you think my generation (I am 25) will benefit from these changes if at all? Curious question...
Depends, really, on how fast they can find ways to commercialize it and sell it and how. It might benefit us fairly quickly, but not in huge ways. Subtle ways we won't notice, like improving the algorithms for other AIs we interact with, fine tuning results and experiences, things like making our phones and devices more energy efficient, making interfaces more responsive, stuff like that. Which is a benefit, but really a series of such small and minor benefits all over that we're not likely to notice it or know to chalk it up to an ASI.

Actual benefits that you will notice and know is because of an ASI? Depends on your level of wealth at the time, but its services and/or products might be more widely available in 10-ish years or so of debuting.
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Re: The First Days of The Future™ Will Be Mundane | ASI will come too quickly

Post by funkervogt »

AGI will come, it will come soon, and people are going to die of cancer after it arrives. People are going to die in car crashes; people are going to get paper cuts and deal with slow internet speeds; people are going to get rejected and feel heartache and despondancy; people are going to get lost in the woods and get headaches and explosive diarrhea. All that fun stuff is going to keep happening after AGI comes. It's going to keep happening after ASI comes.

In fact, I predict that the rate of progress in sci-tech, especially artificial intelligence, is now so great and is going to accelerate so rapidly that there will soon be a wide point in time when the SOTA is literal artificial superintelligence but Average Joe still lives like it's the mid-2010s. It could last for years or, in the worst case scenario, decades. Imagine that: imagine living for decades in your current condition, all the while a literal Overmind exists somewhere on Earth, solving just about every scientific problem imaginable and even those that aren't imaginable, things you can't yet experience due to some unforeseen echo delay in technological spread.
I agree. The same day the creation of the first AGI is announced, the news will also carry stories about mass shootings, religious extremism, sex abuses, and rich people wasting money on obscene, trivial things while so many others needlessly suffer.

My own expectations about when AGI would arrive were probably shaped by sci-fi that I consumed as a child. In Star Trek, humanity cleaned up its act, reached unparalleled heights of civilization, culture, and justice, and invented many radically advanced technologies like FTL space ships and phaser weapons before it had AGI. In reality, we're going to stumble into this WAY before we're ready, and AGI will be birthed into a world wracked by violence, stupidity, tribalism, scheming, and waste. This will be true even if AGI isn't invented until 2050.
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