I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

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I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by weatheriscool »

I want the option in the future to have a different body that is genetically perfect.
-Highest iq possible
-Lowest health risk of disease, cancer, heart disease, etc.
-Highest life span
-Lowest body fat
-Highest genetic muscle growth and repair
-The ability to be the opposite sex if you so choose. This would be awesome for trans people!

A body that can be grown based off your dna and have a blank mind/slate in order to download your brain into it upon your death. Even with anti-aging it would be nice to be the other sex for a thousand years or a million years! The freedom to choose is a great thing. What do you think?

Also imagine you're in a wheel chair, you're 400 lbs and your lungs need oxygen to live. you need a hell of a lot more then anti-aging! Imagine if you're already nearly 70 years old! This would be the perfect option for you. Hell, I'd say anyone that is old and has severe problems would benefit greatly from this.
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Re: I want the option in the future to have a different body

Post by caltrek »

I think the key word is "option." I might not want to exercise all the "options" that you want to exercise, but I can respect your desire to have those options. I think we all want good health for ourselves.

A key factor, in addition to technological feasibility, is cost. There may be quite a gap between technological feasibility and affordable cost. For health, this can lead to some tension along the lines of how to ration scarce resources. An overall growth in wealth can help, but that may not eliminate the problem.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by weatheriscool »

you're 100% right cal. We must work on the economic model to make it more fair, but here is another example

Another example is you are walking down the street and get hit by a car. Lets say it breaks your back and destroys your spine. You end up like steven hawking with no ability to do anything below your kneck. You could in this future have a doctor take a blood sample and have them clone a perfect copy of your body or a similar body based on your dna. In the future your brain could be scanned for its knowledge, memories, etc to be downloaded into the cloned body. You then would be able to live out your life better then before.

One thing we'd have to do is speed up the first 6-8 years of life by about 6-8 times but once it hits that age it would go to normal aging until adulthood. This way we could have these bodies ready in a much shorter time span. You'd be downloaded into your new body as a 6-8 year old! Once you hit adulthood it would be nice if the anti-aging would kick in and the aging process stops for as long as the anti-aging would allow.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by Vakanai »

weatheriscool wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:16 pm A body that can be grown based off your dna and have a blank mind/slate in order to download your brain into it upon your death.
This is my problem - I don't believe in mind "uploading/downloading" as such, least not every way I've ever heard it described. It sounds like you still die, and stay dead forever, but you made a clone with your memories so it thinks it is you and everyone you ever knew acts like you're still alive and with them, but your consciousness has actually died and you're not aware of anything anymore cause, again, you really did die despite downloading your memories into another body.

At least, that's what I've always made of how people try to explain how it works - they just make the argument that you're just a certain pattern of brain patterns and memories unattached from the brain.

Now, ignoring all that - I'd definitely love to have an unaging body in perfect health with every genetic advantage possible. Like there's this rare mutation that grants really dense bones that are harder to break (not crazy Wolverine bones, but better than baseline humans). Another rare one that makes it super easy to put on muscles. Again, not like comic books or science fiction, but imagine having both those genetic traits? Less likely to have a broken bone (as someone who's had broken bones twice, once from being trampled by a horse and again in a car wreck, this definitely interests me) and being able to put in less effort to build up a little bit (or a lot, your choice) of muscles would be amazing. Add a higher metabolism to make gaining weight harder and everyone can have the body of an Adonis or Aphrodite if they want.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by Tadasuke »

If you were to replace your ~86 billion neurons to faster more reliable technological neuron replacements one by one every 10 milliseconds across 27.55 years, you would basically be changed similarly to the Ship of Theseus. You wouldn't feel different from minute to minute, but you would become vastly different (hopefully much better) after 20-30 years.

there are 86,400 seconds in a day
2,592,000 seconds in a month
31,104,000 seconds in a year
860,000,000 seconds in ~27.55 years
Global economy is likely going to double every 17 years, AI computing capability every 3 years, battery capacity every 8 years, solar energy every 3 years and the total number of robots every 2.5 years.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by Vakanai »

Tadasuke wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:33 am If you were to replace your ~86 billion neurons to faster more reliable technological neuron replacements one by one every 10 milliseconds across 27.55 years, you would basically be changed similarly to the Ship of Theseus. You wouldn't feel different from minute to minute, but you would become vastly different (hopefully much better) after 20-30 years.

there are 86,400 seconds in a day
2,592,000 seconds in a month
31,104,000 seconds in a year
860,000,000 seconds in ~27.55 years
I do believe in the Ship of Theseus approach and view that as a preferable future that actually ends of with the individual surviving rather than just a clone - but technically that isn't mind uploading.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by firestar464 »

step 1. prepare artificial brain
step 2. distribute consciousness across og and copy so that identity is not interrupted
step 3. move consciousness to copy and discard og
step 4. brain transfer successful
Last edited by firestar464 on Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by Ozzie guy »

If everyone is special no one is and future life will be really easy with a lack of things you can do for acomplishment.

This is why FIVR appeals to me you can live when you did in reality when life had challenges and most people were average. Be who you want to be or effectively time travel not change much about yourself and try to achieve things you originally wanted to achieve.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by Vakanai »

firestar464 wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:30 am step 1. prepare artificial brain
step 2. distribute consciousness across og and copy so that identity is not interrupted
step 3. brain transfer successful
I don't know, never heard of this approach before. My first impression is the end result might still be mind cloning where I feel you still die along with your brain... But I'll admit it's certainly a much more gray area and I could be wrong. That one is certainly a toughie, and has a far greater degree of validity to its argument than all the other mind upload theories I've heard before. It's definitely given me something to think on, thanks.
Ozzie guy wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:08 am If everyone is special no one is and future life will be really easy with a lack of things you can do for acomplishment.
I can see where that sentiment comes from, but I also disagree with it to an extent, certainly pertaining to the argument of living mostly in FIVR. For one thing many, many, many people today live with little to no sense of accomplishment, just working for a living and unwinding to charge up to work again the next day. It was even worse in the past when live was much harder than now and survival was less assured. And yet, these people still often (not always, but often) lead fulfilling and happy or at least happy-ish lives despite little sense of accomplishment. Second, no matter how advanced we get, there's still things to be done to feel accomplished without adding artificial difficulty to some FIVR life - because ultimately, that's still just playing a video game. Nothing wrong with gaming, but it shouldn't be one's main goals in life.

I'm not against FIVR and I do hope for the technology, it's just the many popular notions the community wraps up into it I find problems with. I don't believe most people truly want to live full time in a VR game like SAO, or that we'll rely on it to meet our mental health needs (help with maybe, but not relied on primarily).
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by firestar464 »

Edited for clarification.
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Re: I want the option in teh future to choose your body and what sex you're

Post by weatheriscool »

firestar464 wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:30 am step 1. prepare artificial brain
step 2. distribute consciousness across og and copy so that identity is not interrupted
step 3. move consciousness to copy and discard og
step 4. brain transfer successful
If such could be pulled off it would probably allow for us to merge with a.i at some level long term. Hell, we'd become a.i and a.i us. If the thinking and thought process is the same it wouldn't be bad? we could make our thoughts, memories into this artificial brain and make it have an iq in the thousand in a few hundred years. We could also have android like bodies that can live for thousands of years....So maybe my android wife idea but we're the wife with all the ability of a.i. Of course, one can dream. lol As long as we can feel our world and have emotions than I don't believe it would be a step down, but a vast step up in terms of intelligence and ability to live long term. We could make the exoskeleton out of the strongest material so we're vastly more long lasting and vastly stronger.

I think we could in the future continue to be born as genetically enhanced humans, but based on the very real limits of anti-aging(20-50% enhancement in life spans) we might only be able to live 120-140 years at tops. So before we die we could be copied into these artificial brains and put into android bodies that can last tens of thousands of years or longer. So instead of death we could literally have an massive upgrade in life.
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