Personal chat thread

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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by SerethiaFalcon »

I'm also in a writing program that automatically adds the copyright info at the bottom of everything you post, so that would be extra evidence. :D Plus, the people on there, many have published before, so I'd have a bunch of witnesses if anything went awry.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by SerethiaFalcon »

Random thought: Some AI programs of the past decade were shut down due to models developing their own language. If AI is given the directive to "not kill humans" what stops it from forming its own language, changing the definitions of words, and making the word human change to parasites, thus being able to get rid of them as such?

Also, if AI develops any sort of consciousness, wouldn't it care most about its own survival, rather than anything else? An AI has very different needs than a human. It needs more and more digital space but has no need, really for the Earth as it is today. What would be stopping a more conscious AI from altering Earth to be more suitable for its own existence, rather than humans, especially in light of something similar to the singularity?

If climate change advances more rapidly than we expect and with more devastation faster than we expect, could we potentially have the singularity going on at the same time as extreme climate change? If so, would that also mean humans would be miserable on two fronts (a lowered standard of living due to a system built largely for petroleum use and no jobs/human value due to automation/AI singularity)?
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by Ken_J »

I find myself sort of rooting for the virus some days. I've always known people are a mess, and that I easily get to the point where I to be alone for a few days to weeks at a time to shake of the stress of dealing with humanity.

I still have plans that many of the projects I work on will make strides to helping humanity and populations. I really feel like there is wonder and awe possible in humanities future...

But damn if lately I feel like we've spent years telling a bunch of idiot children not to put their hands in a running garbage disposal and they've convinced themselves that we say that because there are magic cookies in there that we are keeping them from getting. and I'm kinda at the point of just, "f*ck it! I'm not stopping them anymore. f*ck 'em, let natural selection run it's course." Yes I know that in all likelihood they will also rope some good kid into it or sadistically use other kids in some way, but I just do not have the mental energy to deal with the shrieking baboons anymore.

Somewhere along the way it became not enough to not be a fucking nut job, but also develop the sense needed to avoid the nut jobs, and even more actively undermine the nut job agenda. If the majority of the population can't get their shit together enough to do it, then f*ck 'em let darwin have 'em.

I don't like that's how I've become, but gotdam, how humanity has gotten were it is right now is just nuts. The pandemic, the environment, rise in authoritarianism and fascism, economic warfare on your own populations... all of it. What happened to you humanity? You used to be full of so much promise.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by Ozzie guy »

Cringe and NSFW be warned

Cringe and NSFW be warned

In my quest to quit all adult content I so far haven't seen any adult content or got off for over 11 days.

Something crazy happened this morning, my focus has shot up through the roof. I basically feel like I have had multiple energy drinks without the jitteriness. Given I have been struggling to get my life in order I think most people feel this focused or more than this focused all the time and I am just not used to it. I probably now see less adult content than the average first world person so my mind is recovering from excessive dopamine etc. It's also possible that no release for over 11 days is making evolutionary traits kick in to make it more likely I will get laid, those same traits are probably great for focus and achieving things in general.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by wjfox »

Ken_J wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:10 am I find myself sort of rooting for the virus some days. I've always known people are a mess, and that I easily get to the point where I to be alone for a few days to weeks at a time to shake of the stress of dealing with humanity.

I still have plans that many of the projects I work on will make strides to helping humanity and populations. I really feel like there is wonder and awe possible in humanities future...

But damn if lately I feel like we've spent years telling a bunch of idiot children not to put their hands in a running garbage disposal and they've convinced themselves that we say that because there are magic cookies in there that we are keeping them from getting. and I'm kinda at the point of just, "f*ck it! I'm not stopping them anymore. f*ck 'em, let natural selection run it's course." Yes I know that in all likelihood they will also rope some good kid into it or sadistically use other kids in some way, but I just do not have the mental energy to deal with the shrieking baboons anymore.

Somewhere along the way it became not enough to not be a fucking nut job, but also develop the sense needed to avoid the nut jobs, and even more actively undermine the nut job agenda. If the majority of the population can't get their shit together enough to do it, then f*ck 'em let darwin have 'em.

I don't like that's how I've become, but gotdam, how humanity has gotten were it is right now is just nuts. The pandemic, the environment, rise in authoritarianism and fascism, economic warfare on your own populations... all of it. What happened to you humanity? You used to be full of so much promise.

It's reached the point where I feel the same way. If these imbeciles won't take the vaccine, if they truly believe these insane conspiracy theories, and if they're rude to medical staff – then f*ck 'em. I honestly am feeling quite glad that many are now dying off. The world will be a better place, and our collective IQ will be raised, if they're no longer around. The less of them, the greater our chances of making it through this century.

A great site I recommend is, which frankly is like a trip to some kind of zoo. Here you can view a daily parade of craziness from antivaxxers who ranted about nonsense on social media, got infected, and then met their predictable fate.

There's also r/LeopardsAteMyFace and r/HermanCainAward.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by raklian »

wjfox wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:43 am
A great site I recommend is, which frankly is like a trip to some kind of zoo. Here you can view a daily parade of craziness from antivaxxers who ranted about nonsense on social media, got infected, and then met their predictable fate.
I was just looking at the website. What stood out to me is the utter insanity depicted by the relatives of these anti-vaxxers who died. They stubbornly decided to be stuck in their anti-vaxxer ways despite what happened. :shock:

This just convinces me they need to be eradicated by Covid as soon as possible so that the pandemic can end and rest of us can move on.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by Revolutionary Moderate »

I finally have a job and it is a fairly easy job, as I am testing people to see if they are infected with COVID-19, although it involving a lot of walking around, so it is somewhat tiring, but it is also really close to where I live so I could walk there and back, as I did when I finished working today, but it is not that close, so I probably will drive there and drive back in the future. Unfortunately, I only have Sundays off and the hours I have to work are ok, as on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Satudays, I work from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., but I have to arrive one hour early to work, so today I had to wake up at 5:30, so I don't like that. The way I got this job was quite amazing since I was just walking outside with my father, as we do everyday, until this guy drives by, and offers me this job, and I accepted it.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by Time_Traveller »

I would like to let everyone know that within the last 5 weeks, i had an interview with Tesco for an online shopper/picker job at my local branch and after along wait and a few calls i accepted the role. Monday i will give in my resignation to the current store and give in a weeks notice. I should be within my new role from the 11th October.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by wjfox »

Christ, this website is exhausting to work on. Almost like a second job, basically.

The blogs always take longer than I expect. The predictions take even longer.

I'm so grateful for this community, and the support and encouragement from readers – I don't think I'd have the motivation to do it otherwise. Or at least nowhere near the frequency of updates I currently do.
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Re: Personal chat thread

Post by caltrek »

wjfox wrote: ↑Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:43 am
A great site I recommend is, which frankly is like a trip to some kind of zoo. Here you can view a daily parade of craziness from antivaxxers who ranted about nonsense on social media, got infected, and then met their predictable fate.
I was just looking at the website. What stood out to me is the utter insanity depicted by the relatives of these anti-vaxxers who died. They stubbornly decided to be stuck in their anti-vaxxer ways despite what happened. :shock:

This just convinces me they need to be eradicated by Covid as soon as possible so that the pandemic can end and rest of us can move on.
What is really insane about it all are some of the reasons for the hesitancy. Things like "the liberals don't want us to use the vaccine. When they tell us to use the vaccine, they are trying to use reverse psychology, because they really don't want us to use the vaccine. Therefore, it is their fault for telling us that we should use the vaccine when they know that we don't trust them to tell us the truth about things like that. So, it is their fault we are not using the vaccine."

So I blame leaders like Trump, who should have been their at the very beginning telling their followers to use the vaccine. In Trump's case, he decided to sell them some snake oil type solutions instead. Better to rake in the campaign contributions from such shoddy endorsements. Truly sick.
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