Pension running out in a country.

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Pension running out in a country.

Post by warpmass »

Is there an example of a situation where citizens contribute into a pension and than the government of that country cancels the pension even though people paid into the pension?

Is there an example of this?
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Re: Pension running out in a country.

Post by erowind »

The Teamster's central state pension fund was going to run out in 2025 and the federal agency responsible for backstopping pensions like it also was going to run out of funds by then. The federal government did bail out the fund though through 2051 I think? There's a great incentive for the federal government and national governments generally to never allow major pensions to run out or bail them out when they do. I don't know of any cases where bankruptcy has happened in the developed world but there probably are outliers I'm not aware of.
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