Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth.

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Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth.

Post by weatheriscool »

Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth. Every single nation on earth agreed to ban you and threaten to you or worse if you tried to move there. Where would you live?

Me? Mars. It wouldn't be hard to live here because

-Fairly high gravity compared to the moon and certainly compared to space. This would mean that the outpost would need to have to be less pressurized and the gravity would allow for stronger bones and muscles.

-Some atmosphere

-mars has water, soil and resources to build and to plant food in a green house.

-Temperatures aren't super favorable but vastly better then venus or further out.

All these things would make a space outpost on mars at least somewhat favorable. This ban doesn't stop me from doing banking and working with space-x from getting supplies to me. The nations of earth just want you/me to ever physical step on their soil ever again.
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Re: Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth.

Post by firestar464 »

*chokes to death immediately on Mars*
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Re: Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth.

Post by wjfox »

Little known fact: there's a small "habitable zone" a few dozen miles above the surface of Venus, where temperatures and pressures are similar to Earth's, and you're above the sulphuric acid rains. Humans could build a floating city there one day.
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Re: Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth.

Post by firestar464 »

*falls to the ground due to gravity*
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Re: Lets say you were banned from being on planet earth.

Post by funkervogt »

I'd go to Mars.
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