Can virtual reality replicate mind altering states?

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Can virtual reality replicate mind altering states?

Post by Albertc93 »

I've wonder this for a while now, basically it's virtual reality replicating the sensations and euphoria our brains experience under the influence of various substances and yes i do mean drugs just so we are clear.

For example, let's say it's 2050 I'm in my full dive VR experience. I can smell, taste and feel the environment around me as is expected from full dive level of VR. Well, it's stands to reason that i should also be able to say... Drink a virtual beer and actually feel a buzz or say smoke a j and also feel as if it where real although it's a simulation. Could it be possible to replicate any and every mind altering form known to man with the use of highly advanced and sophisticated virtual reality machines and could it even be less harmful to you then if you where using the real thing in reality? After all, your not actually drunk right? Just stimulating it in virtual reality... What do you guys think?
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Re: Can virtual reality replicate mind altering states?

Post by Tadasuke »

I think that yes, eventually it will be possible. Not for some time, but later yes. There is no reason it couldn't be done with a complete hijacking of inputs in my opinion. Nanorobots will simulate mind altered states without using the actual substances. But that's the stuff of the XXII century.

And don't believe people like Peter Diamandis who say that everything is developing according to schedule, because in reality everything is being postponed. We are not going to have access to FIVR in 2050. It's only 28 years away. 28 years ago there was a VR hype, boom and even now hardware and software is still far from being refined (I mean the headset-style, rudimentary VR). Let alone AR, which is 10 years behind VR. Today Neuralink is in an earlier stage than VR in 1994 (it's literally killing monkeys during experiments). At the earliest I imagine FIVR happening in 2060, but that's the optimistic scenario.
Global economy doubles in product every 15-20 years. Computer performance at a constant price doubles nowadays every 4 years on average. Livestock-as-food will globally stop being a thing by ~2050 (precision fermentation and more). Human stupidity, pride and depravity are the biggest problems of our world.
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Re: Can virtual reality replicate mind altering states?

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

I believe so. I mean think about it - if it is FIVR you will experience everything and some folks with brain implants may as well be transported to a different realm with how intense their experiences will be.
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Re: Can virtual reality replicate mind altering states?

Post by Tadasuke »

It is striking, how much discrepancy exists between some people about VR. I've seen comments that expect full immersion virtual reality by 2030 (Kurzweil thought so, I wonder what's his current view on that) and comments that the immature VR, portrayed in the Ready Player One movie will be real by maybe 2130. Some people expect hyper-exponential growth in the next 10 years and others expect very slow change over the next 110 years. I think that neither will come true.

We should build a framework of what we expect the future to be, so that we aren't confused or contradicting ourselves.

I expect Ready Player One (the first movie I mean) level of VR in the 2040s (when the movie takes place). There is nothing hardware-wise or software-wise that couldn't be done in 20-25 years. Look at Unreal Engine 5 for example, the graphics are similar to those seen in RPO. It's just a case of rendering them with more advanced physics, in higher resolution and in more frames per second. PS5 will already render UE5 in 1440p. PS8 (perhaps a 1000x more capable) should be able to do what was shown in the movie. Or we will just wear headsets that receive streamed visual-auditory (+ some touch to those who wear special suits) data from the cloud (servers). Either way, it's not that far from today's tech. Omnidirectional treadmills have been on the market for years now and they will become cheaper once production becomes higher volume.

The Oasis is a Metaverse and it can be done with upcoming 2040s technology.

Full immersion virtual reality is what I imagine when you can for example eat or drink something in VR, without eating or drinking anything in this reality, and taste everything like it was in this reality (but better). Even tastes that don't exist in this reality, out of this world. So that you can for example taste a mana potion or feel mana running through you. So that you could feel magic, be able to perceive completely different senses. A mage is someone who has an extra sense of magical energy. Or so that you could feel being in a completely different body. Even a very unusual, not humanoid one.

Full immersion virtual reality is something I expect to happen by the 2060s as the earliest (optimistic) time and the 2120s as the latest (a bit pessimistic). 2090s seems the most likely. In FIVR, you could really do whatever, whenever you want, be whoever you like. It is the "holy grail" of gaming, escapism and the future of spending time. Since the first dioramas, panoramas, planetariums and stereographs, people were trying to simulate virtual reality.
Global economy doubles in product every 15-20 years. Computer performance at a constant price doubles nowadays every 4 years on average. Livestock-as-food will globally stop being a thing by ~2050 (precision fermentation and more). Human stupidity, pride and depravity are the biggest problems of our world.
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Re: Can virtual reality replicate mind altering states?

Post by Albertc93 »

Tadasuke wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:44 am It is striking, how much discrepancy exists between some people about VR. I've seen comments that expect full immersion virtual reality by 2030 (Kurzweil thought so, I wonder what's his current view on that) and comments that the immature VR, portrayed in the Ready Player One movie will be real by maybe 2130. Some people expect hyper-exponential growth in the next 10 years and others expect very slow change over the next 110 years. I think that neither will come true.

We should build a framework of what we expect the future to be, so that we aren't confused or contradicting ourselves.

I expect Ready Player One (the first movie I mean) level of VR in the 2040s (when the movie takes place). There is nothing hardware-wise or software-wise that couldn't be done in 20-25 years. Look at Unreal Engine 5 for example, the graphics are similar to those seen in RPO. It's just a case of rendering them with more advanced physics, in higher resolution and in more frames per second. PS5 will already render UE5 in 1440p. PS8 (perhaps a 1000x more capable) should be able to do what was shown in the movie. Or we will just wear headsets that receive streamed visual-auditory (+ some touch to those who wear special suits) data from the cloud (servers). Either way, it's not that far from today's tech. Omnidirectional treadmills have been on the market for years now and they will become cheaper once production becomes higher volume.

The Oasis is a Metaverse and it can be done with upcoming 2040s technology.

Full immersion virtual reality is what I imagine when you can for example eat or drink something in VR, without eating or drinking anything in this reality, and taste everything like it was in this reality (but better). Even tastes that don't exist in this reality, out of this world. So that you can for example taste a mana potion or feel mana running through you. So that you could feel magic, be able to perceive completely different senses. A mage is someone who has an extra sense of magical energy. Or so that you could feel being in a completely different body. Even a very unusual, not humanoid one.

Full immersion virtual reality is something I expect to happen by the 2060s as the earliest (optimistic) time and the 2120s as the latest (a bit pessimistic). 2090s seems the most likely. In FIVR, you could really do whatever, whenever you want, be whoever you like. It is the "holy grail" of gaming, escapism and the future of spending time. Since the first dioramas, panoramas, planetariums and stereographs, people were trying to simulate virtual reality.
Thanks for the excellent reply! You know, i remember seeing ready player one for the first time and just thinking to myself... "Man, that's the future". virtual reality truly does have a limitless potential, if we're able to master the technology.

I'll be the first to admit that if a full dive system ever becomes available to me, I'll probably just choose to live there rather then in my actual reality. But at that point, wouldn't it be more or less the same thing i wonder. Perhaps even better? That's yet to be seen, if it can actually be superior to our "real" reality or as i like to refer to it as our "natural reality" without the use of advanced tech like FDVR.

It's also fascinating to think about what kind of repercussions this kind of technology will have on society and the individual if they'd rather live within a simulation. I suppose we may just yet find out if we get lucky. I dream of the day I'll be able to see it for myself and have the ultimate entertainment experience ever created!
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