Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

Post by Time_Traveller »

UK faces ‘significant risks’ to quality of food imported post-Brexit, says report
Mon 27 Jun 2022

The UK is facing “significant risks” to the quality of food being imported and consumed as Brexit, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war puts pressure on standards, according to a new report.

Better controls are needed to ensure the quality of “higher-risk” food coming from the EU post-Brexit – such as meat, dairy, eggs and feed – and to avoid “potential safety incidents” the report by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) said.

They warned that the cost of living crisis would also put pressure on the types of food people could afford to buy.

“Our research shows that concerns about price, health and the environment are high among the public’s priorities,” the report concludes. “In the face of the steep rises in food prices, and widener pressures on household incomes … we recognise that it is almost certain to become more challenging for consumers to access affordable healthy and sustainable food this year.”

The inaugural report, published on Monday, concluded that food standards were maintained in 2021 despite the upheaval but said this was a “cautious conclusion” and warned of challenges ahead.

“Establishing full UK import controls on food by the end of next year from the EU is a priority,” said Prof Susan Jebb, the chair of the FSA. “The longer the UK operates without assurance that products from the EU meet our high food and feed safety standards, the less confident we can be that we can effectively identify potential safety incidents.” ... ays-report
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Boris Johnson defends Northern Ireland protocol bill ahead of Commons vote
Mon 27 Jun 2022

Boris Johnson has defended the government’s legislation disapplying parts of the Northern Ireland protocol, which will face its first hurdle in the House of Commons on Monday.

Speaking in Bavaria, where he is attending a G7 summit, the prime minister said: “What we’re trying to do is fix something that I think is very important to our country, which is the balance of the Belfast/Good Friday agreement.”

He added: “You’ve got one community which feels that things really aren’t working in a way which they like or understand. You’ve got unnecessary barriers to trade from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. All we are saying is that you can get rid of those without in any way endangering the EU single market.”

People take part in a Border Communities Against Brexit protest outside Hillsborough Castle in County Down during a visit by Boris Johnson in May
He suggested the changes that the bill will make possible could be in place by the end of this year.

MPs will have their first opportunity later on Monday to vote on the bill. The foreign secretary, Liz Truss, has put the UK on a collision course with the EU by pressing ahead with the legislation, which will allow ministers to override parts of the agreement Johnson signed in 2019.

The foreign secretary set out her position in an article in the Financial Times on Monday. She said there was a “simple logic” for going ahead, despite claims the legislation will breach the free trade agreement the UK signed with the EU. ... ote-brexit
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Northern Ireland Protocol: Government bid to override parts of Brexit deal passes first Commons hurdle
Monday 27 June 2022

Boris Johnson's legislation to scrap parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol has cleared its first Commons hurdle.

The bill passed by 295 votes to 221 despite attracting fierce criticism from a number of MPs on the Tory benches as well as the opposition.

Critics, who include former prime minister Theresa May, say the plan is illegal and threatens to spark a trade war with Europe.

The bill must now go through in-depth scrutiny by MPs and a further Commons vote and then pass to the Lords, before becoming law.

Earlier, Mrs May delivered a stinging rebuke to Boris Johnson's plan to override parts of the protocol.

The former prime minister told fellow MPs she could not support the controversial legislation - which she said would be illegal, fail to achieve its aims, and diminish Britain's standing in the world. ... e-12641369
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Nicola Sturgeon sets a date and question for proposed Scottish independence referendum
Tuesday 28 June 2022

Nicola Sturgeon has set the date for a proposed "consultative referendum" next year on Scottish independence.

To cheers and applause in the devolved parliament in Holyrood, the first minister said legislation will lay out plans for a vote to take place on 19 October 2023.

It will ask the question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"

Ms Sturgeon acknowledged that her plan could face legal blocks or resistance from the UK government - and threatened that if so her party, the SNP, would fight the next general election as a "de facto referendum" instead.

The Scottish first minister said the Holyrood government had a "clear mandate" to go for another vote - after independence was rejected in a previous poll in 2014.

She said papers were being filed with the Supreme Court to seek to establish the lawfulness of her plans and that she was "ready and willing" to negotiate with the Westminster government on the terms of holding the referendum. ... m-12641957
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Police swoop on Stop Brexit Man under new anti-protest law
Tue 28 Jun 2022

The activist known as “Stop Brexit Man” has had equipment seized by police officers attempting to shut down his regular protest near parliament, as a new protest law came into force.

Steve Bray, a former coin dealer and failed Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, posted videos on Twitter showing police officers approaching him near Parliament Square on Tuesday. His sound system was seized.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act, which came into force on Tuesday, introduced an offence of intentionally or recklessly causing public nuisance, in an effort to crack down on disruptive guerrilla protests.

These are the sort of tactics that have been used by climate change protesters who have taken their campaigns to the streets. The Ministry of Justice said the police would be supported with new powers to tackle non-violent protests that have a significant disruptive effect on the public or on access to parliament.

Bray posted videos of himself setting up his protest on Tuesday morning, acknowledging he was doing so “despite police warnings”. He tweeted: “The police are harassing hell out of this protest today.”

The Metropolitan police have been approached for comment. ... rotest-law
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Home Office to face legal challenge over post-Brexit rights of EU citizens in UK
Thu 30 Jun 2022

A statutory body set up to monitor EU citizens’ rights after Brexit has been granted permission for a judicial review of Home Office rules which impact up to 2.5 million European nationals living in the UK.

The Independent Monitoring Authority (IMA) applied to the high court to challenge a Home Office decision to remove the rights of people living in the UK for less than five years before Brexit if they do not apply in time for permanent residency status.

The rules mean they would be classed as undocumented migrants and lose their rights to reside, work, rent property or access services including the NHS. At worst, they could face deportation.

An EU flag flies outside the UK parliament in London.

The IMA argued the rules were a breach of the withdrawal agreement (WA) between the UK and the EU, which guaranteed the rights of EU citizens who were in the country before Brexit.

Allowing a judicial review, Mr Justice Saini said the IMA’s “case is plainly arguable”. ... zens-in-uk
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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UK trade deal with Australia amounts to ‘offshoring’ pesticide use, MPs say
Thu 30 Jun 2022

The government is rushing through a trade deal with Australia that would allow food produced with pesticides banned in the UK to be imported into the country, campaigners and MPs have said.

The international trade select committee in parliament has called for a vote on the deal, which would result in food produced below British domestic environmental standards being sold in the UK.

The SNP MP Angus MacNeil, who chairs the committee, said there was a risk that the deal would be rushed through without scrutiny by MPs, and that it amounted to “offshoring” pesticide use.

He told the Guardian: “There is no democratic input so far into the debate, and there will be pressure on government members to just push it through at the end of the month. We have asked that the time for approval be extended, that parliament gives us 21 more sitting days for parliamentarians to digest the report before ratification.

“As it stands, the UK could ratify this deal without any parliamentary vote whatsoever.”

The MP is calling for it to be put to a vote in parliament because “it is one of the most liberalising deals we’ve seen on agricultural standards”. ... ticide-mps
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Re: Post-Brexit News and Discussions

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Johnson risks breakup of UK over Northern Ireland protocol, says Varadkar
Fri 1 Jul 2022

Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s deputy prime minister, has accused the British government of risking the break-up of the United Kingdom and making “shocking” blunders over Northern Ireland.

Varadkar said Boris Johnson’s administration had been undemocratic and disrespectful and tacitly accused it of being dishonest and dishonourable.

The tánaiste made the sharp attack in a BBC interview on Thursday night, days after the Northern Ireland protocol bill – which could override the Brexit deal – cleared its first hurdle in the House of Commons.

“I think that’s a strategic mistake for people who want to maintain the union because if you continue to impose things on Northern Ireland that a clear majority of people don’t want, that means more people will turn away from the union. It’s a peculiar policy coming from a government that purports to want to defend the union,” he said.

Varadkar, who is due to succeed Micheál Martin as taoiseach later this year, said he found it “shocking and hard to accept” that Downing Street sought unilaterally to change the protocol. “What the British government is doing now is very undemocratic and very disrespectful to people in Northern Ireland because it’s taking that power away from the assembly.”

Boris Johnson in profile seated in the back of a car taking him away from talks at Hillborough Castle in Northern Ireland

An honourable government would honour a treaty it had agreed and abide by international law, he said. “It is not normal for a democratic government in a respected country to sign a treaty and then try to pass domestic legislation to override it,” he said. ... o-varadkar
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