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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:37 am
by funkervogt
The voice imitation revolution is already here, and artists, technologists and companies in several industries who use the new tech are grappling with the big question of what happens when you separate speech from the speaker.

Need a synthetic voice that can read text for the visually impaired? A human voice actor can’t preread every possible sentence in the world but an AI-built voice could cope. Have a video game that’s been in interminable production for years and want to avoid hauling in voice actors for rerecording every time there’s a script change? Tweak their dialogue in production.

“There are endless possibilities. We believe this is the CGI of audio,” says Zeena Qureshi, co-founder and CEO of Sonantic, a start-up formed in 2018. “We made the first AI that can cry last year. We made the first AI that can shout early this year.”

Potential commercial uses abound. Sonantic’s website touts AI voices with “STUNNING REALISM, CAPTIVATING EMOTION” that can “deliver compelling, lifelike performances for games and films with fully expressive AI-generated voices.” It also promises to “reduce production timelines from months to minutes by rapidly transforming scripts into audio.” ... -audio-cgi

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:04 pm
by Yuli Ban

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:21 pm
by raklian


Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:27 pm
by Yuli Ban

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:30 pm
by Yuli Ban

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:31 am
by Yuli Ban
Real-Time DeepFake Streaming With DeepFaceLive
The world’s most-used deepfake software, and the one most strongly associated with deepfake porn, is getting a new implementation – the ability to superimpose deepfakes of a celebrity likeness into live webcam footage.

The open source repository DeepFaceLive is a Windows 10 application built on the foundations of DeepFaceLab, which quickly became the leading resource for porn-based face-swapping after the creator of the original deepfake software abandoned the project shortly after the advent of deepfaking created worldwide controversy in 2018. Both projects list the forum section of deepfake porn site mrdeepfakes as an official support resource.

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:44 am
by Yuli Ban

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:51 am
by erowind
/\ Huh, maybe one day I could be an egirl streamer :lol:
(This comment was meant for the post two above this one.)

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:33 am
by Yuli Ban
AI Wrote Better Phishing Emails Than Humans in a Recent Test
NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING continues to find its way into unexpected corners. This time, it's phishing emails. In a small study, researchers found that they could use the deep learning language model GPT-3, along with other AI-as-a-service platforms, to significantly lower the barrier to entry for crafting spearphishing campaigns at a massive scale.

Researchers have long debated whether it would be worth the effort for scammers to train machine learning algorithms that could then generate compelling phishing messages. Mass phishing messages are simple and formulaic, after all, and are already highly effective. Highly targeted and tailored “spearphishing” messages are more labor intensive to compose, though. That's where NLP may come in surprisingly handy.

At the Black Hat and Defcon security conferences in Las Vegas this week, a team from Singapore's Government Technology Agency presented a recent experiment in which they sent targeted phishing emails they crafted themselves and others generated by an AI-as-a-service platform to 200 of their colleagues. Both messages contained links that were not actually malicious but simply reported back clickthrough rates to the researchers. They were surprised to find that more people clicked the links in the AI-generated messages than the human-written ones—by a significant margin.

Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:39 am
by Yuli Ban
Why artificial intelligence is being used to write adverts
What springs to mind when you think of advertising? Don Draper in the TV show Mad Men sipping a cocktail? Or perhaps trendy people swapping catch phrases in a converted warehouse?'

Well, more of the creative work these days is not being done by humans at all.

When Dixons Carphone wanted to push shoppers towards its Black Friday sale, the company turned to Artificial Intelligence (AI) software and got the winning line "The time is now".

Saul Lopes, head of customer marketing at Dixons Carphone, thinks it worked because it didn't have the words Black Friday in it.

His human copywriters had produced dozens of potentially successful sentences but they all mentioned Black Friday. It was technology that broke this chain of thought.