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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:59 pm
by firestar464
Study finds many younger people from high income neighborhoods jumped the eligibility queue for COVID-19 vaccines in NYC ... hoods.html

Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:50 pm
by firestar464
Using machine learning to track the evolution of COVID-19 ... covid.html


Researchers unveil faster and more accurate COVID test ... covid.html

Covid-19 and anti-Covid vaccines

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:11 pm
by Tadasuke
January, February and March of 2020 were probably relatively good for me, as I found a new source of optimism, I left some toxic groups and "friends", I started playing a video game I had been planning to play for a while (although I soon gave up) and I was listening to Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler's optimistic book The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives, which I pre-ordered back in 2019 and was fascinated by it at the time, it was mostly about the year 2030 (it says on Amazon the book released in April, but I had access to it earlier).

Then in April the situation rapidly changed. I couldn't even go to the cinema with other people, despite having a reservation made a month earlier, I had to wear a very uncomfortable mask, do many things remotely and disinfect many things. Many events and meetings were cancelled. My mood took a dip in April, even though it was far from good enough in February and March. Turned out, that life tends to be horrible after all and we are not really in charge of our lives. The 2020s back in Q1 2020 seemed like a new, better era. Now I know it's not really much better than the 2010s, which largely sucked for me. Perhaps the 2030s, there is still hope.

Fast forward to vaccines. I had high hopes for them, partially because of what Diamandis and Kurzweil were saying about them. Unfortunately, lots of people had side-effects, including me. Quickly after vaccination my back started hurting, then my stomach and then my fingers. It's still the case, though slightly less so. One of my friends died because of vaccines and lots of peoples health worsened. My father started having knee problems very shortly after vaccines. I also just found out that my father's mother started seeing a yellow spot in her eyes suddenly after vaccinations, but he told her to not tell me about it to not worry me. She still sees the yellow spot.

I went to a massagist because of back pain. I told him I don't know why it started hurting. He asked me if I took anti-Covid-19 vaccine. I told him I did. He told me that after vaccinations he noticed a sharp rise in people having various pains like back pain. He says it's because of the vaccines and we are not being told the whole truth. I don't claim to know the truth, but there are many evidences pointing to vaccines being similarly harmful as Covid-19 itself. Lots of things are overrated to be honest. Including all AI, "smart"-things, Covid vaccines, eco-anything, green-anything, non-GMO-anything, GMO-anything, nano-anything and many, many more.

Re: Covid-19 and anti-Covid vaccines

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:52 pm
by wjfox
Tadasuke wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:11 pm He says it's because of the vaccines and we are not being told the whole truth. I don't claim to know the truth, but there are many evidences pointing to vaccines being similarly harmful as Covid-19 itself.
This is 100% bullshit and disinformation.

Tadasuke wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:11 pm Lots of things are overrated to be honest. Including all AI, "smart"-things, Covid vaccines, eco-anything, green-anything, non-GMO-anything, GMO-anything, nano-anything and many, many more.
Do you have anything positive to say about anything?

Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:12 pm
by firestar464
Tadasuke, I'm sorry to hear that your family members continue to suffer from side effects. Have they gone to the doctor for these? They honestly should.

Regardless though, as unfortunate as this is, many more people have taken the vaccine and gone on to live just fine. If they weren't safe enough they likely wouldn't have been approved. Of course, some people are just going to claim that it is """the conspiracy"""" at work.

Re: Covid-19 and anti-Covid vaccines

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:17 pm
by Tadasuke
wjfox wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:52 pm Do you have anything positive to say about anything?
I've written plenty positive things on the web, including this forum!

I have more negative things to write: I trusted my medical doctor psychiatrist (because I was gullible), he said a drug he prescribes will cure my depression .... it did not (although it slightly reduced anxiety when I was taking it), instead, it caused akathisia, which for some reason persists to this day (in a lesser form), even though I haven't taken that drug for a long time, so I need to take another drug for akathisia, which unfortunately costs money and causes chest pain.

What's the lesson and the moral? I think the lesson is, to don't blindly, naively and gullibly trust futurists, people on the Internet, even real-life medical doctors or quacks. Mostly and usually try to count on yourself, not on vaccines, drugs, AI or weird gadgets, which are being produced to make money (not for you).

Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:23 pm
by firestar464
Edward Jenner sure as hell wasn't trying to get rich.

IDK maybe you got unlucky with the psychiatrist. From most experiences I've read about online, I haven't heard of anyone promising a cure. But honestly IDK

I do find it absurd that you still think you know better than oftentimes established medical consensus. There was a psychologist who wrote that a cause of the current decline in society was not because of "low intelligence" per se the result of people overestimating their ability at various tasks of understanding and doing.

Re: Covid-19 and anti-Covid vaccines

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:34 pm
by firestar464
wjfox wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:52 pm Do you have anything positive to say about anything?
Well from what I've understood the only thing you've (addressed to tadasuke) really commented on positively is FDVR (and something about agriculture I remember). The rest has been:
  • Elon bad (can agree)
  • Trump bad (can agree)
  • Social media bad (can agree)
  • Sexual minorities bad (jeez they're just people living their lives)
  • AI bad (you constantly dodge questions about what you want to use it for, or whether you've used GPT-4 Turbo, for reasons I can only guess about)
  • Climate change not a big deal (please, just read the climate change thread)

Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:31 pm
by weatheriscool

Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:06 pm
by firestar464
US COVID-origins hearing puts scientific journals in the hot seat