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GPT3 thoughts on anti AI art movement

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:10 pm
by technoshaman001
I asked GPT3 to explain why some people are anti AI art as a result of capitalism.

There are a few different reasons why some people might be opposed to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in art. Here are a few possibilities:

Economic concerns: Some people might be concerned that the use of AI in art could lead to the displacement of human artists, as AI systems may be able to produce art more efficiently or at lower cost. This could be especially problematic in a capitalist system, where the goal is often to maximize profits, as businesses may be more likely to turn to AI solutions in order to cut costs.

Aesthetic concerns: Some people may simply prefer the work of human artists over that produced by AI systems. They may feel that AI-generated art lacks the creativity, emotion, or humanity of art created by humans.

Ethical concerns: Some people may be opposed to the use of AI in art on ethical grounds. For example, they may argue that AI systems lack the agency or consciousness to truly create art, and that any art produced by such systems is ultimately inauthentic.

It's worth noting that there is no single, unified "anti-AI art" movement, and that different people may have different reasons for their opposition to the use of AI in art.