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Boltzmann Brain in a vat Dreaming a simulated universe...

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 7:50 am
by Ken_J
...populated by aspects of it's own subconscious playing the roles of characters in the dream simulation.

The boltzman brain is the idea of a mind springing into existence within the empty vastness of space fully formed with memories of having lived a life being statistically more likely that building an entire universe with billions of galaxies with billions of planets that generate billions of life forms to result in billions of brains with lives like ours.

the Brain in a vat is a philsophical concept that suggests we don't even know for a fact that we have bodies and interact with the world because everything we think we know and understand comes either from within our brain, or through out senses which could be lies of signals sent directly to a brain in a vat.

the simulated universe idea is that at it's simplest the idea that this reality could be non physical generated program.

and the characters within a dream are react and interact with the dreamer because it is an aspect of the dreamers mind interacting with themselves.

sooo, maybe I'm the depressed, sick, starving artist, sci-fi nerd, philosopher aspects of the universes mind interacting with it's other aspects in a dreamed up universe, running in a brain in a vat in some unfathomable universe that simulations cannot imagine.

and should that brain awaken, or change dreams the universe may disappear but we will persist as aspects of that mind in that vat, sans the context of simulated realities we have lived in. and the vat, brain and simulation process need not be comprehensible to our simulated minds understanding of reality.