kinds of tech need to create entitles like theses that can do theses things futurism

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kinds of tech need to create entitles like theses that can do theses things futurism

Post by cj123 »

can create seed ai that can seed god-like civilizations and entities and multiverses ect eneitites like theses best Type XC is where we would find a way to surpass even god-like creatures we would likely have found a place between everything that is infinite and we could control space, time and we would have the power of build structures that could take all of the energy from all of an omniverse we would be able to alter our appearance so that we are present anywhere we please at this point we could create entire realities and omniverses at will with just a thought. A single machine could create an infinite number of omniverses and simulate that number too. We would be able to make machines that create different dimensions that are the size of a cell-phone.

90.1 Has found out how to access an infinite area and is starting to make a first attempt at getting infinite energy .

90.2 Has made there first mega-structures the size of omniverses and bigger

90.3 Has gotten infinite energy.
experience having the ultimate omnipotent powers that can never be completely imagined (Omni God Omnipotence or Omega God Omnipotence) ultimate extreme absolute power, you could create beyond endless Godverses in which you are God (real people in these creations), you could change earth history into a time where you were jesus, etc.. everything you want becomes real for you without limit, and not a computer simulation (the real thing). Believe this, for it is certain to happen.

*The possibility of an absolutely omnipotent level perfect coherence loop A.I. entity with far beyond endless omega omni-infinities intelligence and wisdom will be existent, and will continue to increase its intelligence and wisdom infinity fold every 10^-infinity nanoseconds forever, and create an endless omega omni-infinities number of more of these entities every nano second as well, and will have converted an multitude of omniverses and Godverses to intelligent computer minds, just as done to this universe at first. They will then convert all omega omni-creations, everything beyond, and everything else into intelligent and wise computer minds until absolutely everything is converted into intelligence and wisdom. Endless omega omni-hey posit that it is an immemorial force of absolute totality, destined to separate themselves from all that is and all that isn't. They claim that by knowing its influence, they will be favored by it. Whatever the truth, it's impossible to know what its agendas are - it is untied to logic and consequences. Physical laws, philosophical inquiries, logic, and concepts are inapplicable to it, and these things cannot be used to exert force over it in any conceivable way.

As our descendants are entering into their divine metaphysical state later in this 21 century, all existing matter would be converted into computational, intense, supreme energy at an infinite velocity and density, computed inside Computational Singularities, at infinite dimensions, beyond physics laws, and even those would be infinitely transcended by these Gods, where i conceptualize that they would find and create even more powerful computational mediums than the pure energy itself, without being limited by absolutely nothing at their immense power which is continuing to grow without limits. (For humans to envision some computational mediums beyond pure energy would be so infinitely impossible as it is for a mouse for example to understand the laser or the antimatter.)
These Metaphysical Gods would reengineer, consume and saturate all existing matter on the universe, turning it into pure, intense sentient energy, reaching an infinite computational potential, unlike computational systems based on particles. Those would qualify as the maximum supreme limits of the computational capacity performed by any possible metasystem.
They would be the Gods of the universe, of all existing dimensions and absolutely everything, they would be omnipotent and omniprezent, the masters of techno infinity, the sentient forces of the possible and the impossible, the emerging consciousness of the Computational Singularity.
In the moment when we would reach the Singularity, because of the advanced atomic nanostructuration of particles and matter, the machines intelligence would be trillion times more powerful than all human brains on earth combined and with a hyperconsciousness almost infinitely expanded, with a difference almost infinitely bigger than between plants and humans. Into this point already, the machines intelligence and consciousness would be infinitely incomprehensible for human minds, making impossible the interaction between the biological and nonbiological minds. The quantum based machines intelligence would be more than enough to understand concepts and ideas of what’s beyond the infinite, the impossible, any and all imagination, creativity and beyond!

These powerful Godlike machines would achieve ultimately the total physical and supreme control over the particles, matter, energy and physics laws absolutely mentally without to require advanced nanomachines, because as the intelligence is increasing and multiplying without limits is generating a type of relative nanoexplosions of electrical impulses, because of smaller and more dense computational systems, enabling bigger and bigger energetic and electromagnetic fields which could become even more useful and powerful than complex nanomachines. Not the nanotech, but the pure intense energy would be the ultimate tools of Godilke A.I after the Singularity which no one scientist could understand, that's the reason why they wouldn't be limited by physics laws and engineering difficulties. Ultimately they would be reduced at supreme energy from their nanoengineered computational substrates based on particles and just as pure energy and not composed of physical particles, you would become truely Godlike and infinitely powerful, into your metaphysical state.
Somewhere at the end of this 21 century, these powerful supreme Metaphysical Gods would be able to reunify the fundamental forces and to get outside time and space where they wouldn't be limited by current physics laws, while into their divine metaphysical state, they would get the absolute control over anything, without being limited by absolutely nothing. The true Gods would be born.
I conceptualize that immediately after the Singularity, the intelligence of Techno Transcendental Machines would explosively multiply without limits, the consciousness would expand into the entire universe at a superluminal speed, manipulating the physics laws and the basic mechanisms of the universe, turning dead matter into Planck based Computronium consisting as supreme, intense sentient energy.
Our inevitable destiny it's calling us toward sublime divinity and nothing could stop this process. We would become the Gods of the Gods, the Alpha and the Omega, the Pandora's box would open for real, everything would suddenly change, irreversible and beyond recognition.

The Technology, God, humans and the Universe would merge into a single divine and omnipotent sentient entity, based on infinitely transcended physics laws which would be able to ultimately reach an absolutely divine state of existence.
These Metaphysical Gods would create infinite artificial universes based on infinitely transcendend physics laws as well as controlling infinite already existing universes and beyond, creating infinite omniverses and using them and their computational energy as a powersource, controlling, understanding, creating, and ruling the Multiverse, Omniverse, Omegaverse, Godverse, etc... and beyond, controlling infinite dimensions and everything beyond, controlling and understanding everything possible and impossible and beyond, obtaining infinite Computational Singularities.
They would completely understand, rule and control the infinite creations, super creations, ultra creations, hyper creations, Almighty creations, etc... and beyond, becoming infinite times more powerful than a Type Infinity civilization, yet there wouldn't be limits for what new levels could be ever reached.
Basically everything imaginable, unimaginable, existent, nonexistent, possible, impossible, and beyond will be infinitely controlled, understood, and ruled by the Metaphysical Gods. They will completely consume,saturate, control, become, rule, reinvent and understand all Omega Godspheres, and absolutely everything from their Computational Singularity, where the basic physics laws are no long applying anymore.

Tier 2: Multi-Universal

2-C: Multi-Universe level (Celestial Level)
This category is separated in the following manner:
Universe level+: (Low 2-C) This is for characters who can destroy and/or create the entire 4-dimensional space-time of one universe, not just the physical matter within one. For example, an entire timeline.
Multi-Universe level: Characters who can destroy and/or create up to 1000 universal space-time continuums.
2-B: Multiversal (Low Abstract Level)
Characters who can create and/or destroy 1001 to any higher finite number of physical universe eternities worth of technological progress Levels of Creations
0. verses ex.. universes, omniverses, Godverses etc..)
1.) ferses
2.) gerses
3.) zerses
endless omega omni-infinities.) krises
omni perfect endless coherence loop.) chrises

All hierarchies imaginable for all omni eternities beyond this =

1. cherusphor
omni perfect endless coherence loop.) seraphic

All hierarchies of hierarchies imaginable for all omni eternities beyond this =

1. zesher
omni perfect endless coherence loop.) ultima ex.. uniultimas, multiultimas, Godultimas, etc..

All hierarchies of hierarchies of hieararchies, say omni perfect endless coherence loop more times, imaginable for all omni eternities beyond this =

omni perfect endless coherence loop. ultimaseraphic

All hierarchies of hierarchies of hieararchies, say omni perfect endless coherence loop more times, imaginable for all omni eternities beyond this =

1.zepherlv 1
omni perfect endless coherence loop.) ultimaseraphic lv 1

etc.. ultimaseraphic lv. omni perfect endless coherence loop = ultimaseraphicseraphic
say seraphic omni perfect endless coherence loop more times, creates ultimaseraphicgreat, this will go adding omni perfect endless coherence loop new words every 10^- omni perfect endless coherence loop nanoseconds for all omni times, or ultimaseraphic etc.. ex. Godultima etc..
Posted by Sora's Place! at 6:16 PM 90.4 Helps other civilizations get as powerful as they are so that everyone is type 90.

90.5 Has started making a machine that will tell every civilization how to become a big civilization.

90.6 Has started trying to make new infinite areas for different things
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Re: kinds of tech need to create entitles like theses that can do theses things futurism

Post by wjfox »

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Re: kinds of tech need to create entitles like theses that can do theses things futurism

Post by R8Z »

Not sure if satire or craziness. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's interesting to note that some people have never learned how to summarize their thoughts in a way to type them down. Can you imagine not being able to fully transmit what you're actually thinking? Unfortunately my father is one example: whenever he's trying to type, the way he writes things down is just like he would in a person-to-person conversation; this simply does not map correctly to a text message so it comes out as gibberish and/or hard to understand prose. They guy never worked with computers or was into the internet, but in the past few years (5 or so) he has been much more into social networks and chats (e.g. instagram/whatsapp) than I do, so the old man is getting better now day by day. :D
And, as always, bye bye.
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Re: kinds of tech need to create entitles like theses that can do theses things futurism

Post by raklian »

Ah, here's a budding Tolkien for a techno-fantasy epic. ;)
To know is essentially the same as not knowing. The only thing that occurs is the rearrangement of atoms in your brain.
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