Ukraine News and Discussion

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Ukraine News and Discussion

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This is a general thread for Ukraine related news and discussions.


Euro 2020: Ukraine's new football kit sparks Russian outrage over map including Crimea

Monday 7 June 2021

Ukraine's new Euro 2020 kit has sparked anger in Russia by featuring a map of the country that includes Crimea.

Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014 and considers it part of its territory - but it is internationally recognised as part of Ukraine.

Russian MP Dmitry Svishchev said the use of the logo on the shirt was "political provocation".

The front of the yellow shirt shows the borders of Ukraine encompassing Crimea and the pro-Russian separatist-controlled regions of Donetsk and Lugansk - and in a promotional video unveiling the kit, the same border also lights up.

A slogan at the top of the back says "Glory to Ukraine!" - a patriotic chant used by demonstrators who forced out a pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovych in 2014 - and inside is lettering that declares "Glory to the heroes!" ... a-12326793
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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Ukraine’s Leader to Talk with Biden on Security, Russian Gas
August 31, 2021 ... ssian-gas/

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine's leader is traveling to the United States this week in hopes of bolstering security ties with Washington and persuading the administration to ramp up sanctions against a new Russian natural gas pipeline that bypasses his country.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called Washington's failure to block the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany a grave political error, and he is expected to again raise the issue during his talks Wednesday with U.S. President Joe Biden.

Zelenskyy has described the new pipeline as a powerful geopolitical weapon for Russia, which annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula in 2014 after the ouster of the former Kremlin-friendly president and has thrown its weight behind a separatist insurgency in eastern Ukraine.

Washington has strongly opposed the construction of Nord Stream 2, but the Biden administration has opted not to punish the German company overseeing the project while announcing new sanctions against Russian companies and ships.

Zelenskyy has warned that Nord Stream 2 would mark a major victory for Moscow and a “personal loss” for Biden. The undiplomatic comments reflect Ukrainian fears that the new pipeline will deprive it of $3 billion in annual transit fees for pumping Russian gas to Europe, erode its strategic importance and make it more vulnerable to Kremlin pressure.
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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U.S. Presses Russia Over Troop Buildup Along Ukraine Border
November 10, 2021 ... ne-border/

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is stepping up pressure on Russia over a buildup of troops along its frontier with Ukraine.

As Secretary of State Antony Blinken prepared to meet his Ukrainian counterpart in Washington on Wednesday, the top U.S. diplomat for Europe said the administration is watching the border situation closely and would regard any escalation with deep concern.

Karen Donfried, assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, told The Associated Press that senior Russian officials have been warned of potential consequences for any increased threat to Ukraine’s security from what she called “unusual military activity near Ukraine.” She would not discuss specific consequences for Russia, but administration officials have in the past said boosting military support for Ukraine is one option.

Donfried was part of a U.S. delegation led by CIA Director William Burns that visited Moscow last week and delivered that message personally to Kremlin officials. After leaving Moscow, Donfried traveled to Kyiv to brief Ukrainian officials on the meetings.

“Any time we see unusual Russian military activity near Ukraine we make clear that any escalatory or aggressive action is of great concern to the United States," she said. “We’re very clear that we support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and that our commitment to that has not changed and is unwavering and that we will continue to stand with Ukraine and we will condemn any Russian aggression against Ukraine in all its forms.”
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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GOP Lawmaker Rips Tucker Carlson to his Face During Heated Live Debate Regarding Ukraine
by Meaghan Ellis
November 11, 2021

Entire Article:
(Alternet) Rep. Mike Turner's (R-Ohio) recent discussion with Fox News' Tucker Carlson took a turn for the worse when he had to explain to the news anchor why the United States would rather be allied with Ukraine as opposed to Russia.

On Wednesday night, the Republican lawmaker appeared on Carlson's primetime show where he discussed the United States' relationship with Ukraine. His appearance came several days after he and 14 other Republican lawmakers penned a letter to President Joe Biden asking him "'to immediately provide support to the Ukrainians' after satellite images showed a buildup of Russian military forces along Ukraine's northern border," Mediaite reports.

"Tucker, thank you so much for bringing attention to this issue," said Turner after Carlson welcomed him to the show. "This is one the mainstream media is not going to be reporting and is incredibly important for people to understand what Russia is doing and really the threat to the United States and the threat to the United States' allies."

After pointing out that many of his viewers are from military families, Carlson said, "I wonder if you could explain to them why it is in America's interest that their kids risk their lives in Ukraine."
  • "I'm totally confused" -- Tucker Carlson wonder why the US would be allies with Ukraine instead of Russia, since Russia has more energy reservers. Rep. Mike Turner reminds him that we're supposed to be on the side of democracies. Carlson responds by saying, "I guess"
    — Aaron Rupar (@Aaron Rupar) 1636595726
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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Putin to the West: ‘It is not us who threaten anyone’
December 23, 2021 ... en-anyone/

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the West on Thursday to “immediately” meet Russia's demand for security guarantees precluding NATO's expansion to Ukraine, saying the U.S. is “on the threshold of our home.”

Speaking during a marathon annual news conference, the Russian leader welcomed talks with the U.S. that are set to start in Geneva next month as a “positive” move, but sternly warned that Moscow expects the discussion to produce quick results.

“We have clearly and precisely let them know that any further NATO expansion eastward is unacceptable,” Putin said.

Last week, Moscow submitted draft security documents demanding that NATO deny membership to Ukraine and other former Soviet countries and roll back the alliance’s military deployments in Central and Eastern Europe. A key principle of the NATO alliance is that membership is open to any qualifying country.

“Is it us who are putting missiles near the U.S. borders?" Putin said angrily. "No, it’s the U.S. who came to our home with its missiles, they are already on the threshold of our home. Is it some excessive demand not to place any strike weapons systems near our home?”
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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Ukraine Lawmaker Says Prosecutor Seeks Arrest of Former President Poroshenko
Source: Reuters
KYIV (Reuters) - The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's office has asked a court to arrest former president Petro Poroshenko on suspicion of high treason and financing pro-Russian separatists, a lawmaker from Poroshenko's faction in parliament said on Friday.

"On Christmas Eve, the Prosecutor General office confirmed the information ... that the Prosecutor General had approved a motion to arrest Poroshenko with the possibility of bail set at 1 billion hryvnia ($37 million)," Iryna Gerashchenko said on Facebook.
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Putin is Threatening a War. Are Russians Willing to Fight It?
by Uliana Pavlova
January 12, 2022 ... war-526967

(Politico) …the one thing that might bring Russians around to this potential war is if they believe that NATO, not Russia, is the aggressor.

“The logic is that if NATO is pulling us into a war, then we must respond in kind, in order to protect the Russian-speaking population in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics,” said (polster Denis) Volkov, referring to the unrecognized east Ukrainian statelets proclaimed by pro-Russian separatists.

So far, Volkov says, Russians mostly do blame NATO and the U.S. for the conflict with their former Soviet compatriots. But Volkov says it remains to be seen if they will unite behind Putin over Donbas the way they did for Crimea.

“It seems to me that there will be no such rally around the flag as happened after Crimea,” Volkov said. “People are tired of the Ukraine conflict, and tired of international tensions.”
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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Americans don't support such war and want nothing to do with it.

We're sick of war.
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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The Pipeline at the Center of Geopolitical Drama
by Jen Kirby
January 14, 2022 ... tates-cruz

(Vox) Russia has gathered troops along the Ukrainian border, Washington and Moscow engaged in a week of high-stakes negotiations, and NATO and European allies are trying to avoid a conflict that seems more likely by the day.

In this frightening morass, there’s one low-key wild card: a long-running energy infrastructure project that some consider an economic project, others consider a geopolitical tool of Russia, and that is a combination of all of those and more.

The project in question is Nord Stream 2, an $11 billion Russian-owned pipeline that has Washington in a difficult position with some of its European allies, divided other European countries among themselves, and weakened Ukraine.

When it’s up and running, Nord Stream 2 will bring natural gas from Russia to Europe. It is laid alongside Nord Stream 1, which flows from Russia along the Baltic Sea and directly into Germany. Experts said the pipeline will not dramatically increase Russian natural gas imports to Europe, but it could reroute it — meaning more natural gas will flow directly to Germany and potentially bypass other existing pipelines that run through other European countries. Most significantly, Ukraine.

The United States sees the pipeline as a Russian geopolitical tool to undermine Europe’s energy and national security. Ukraine definitely sees it this way too and wants the pipeline stopped. Once Nord Stream 2 is online, Russia will no longer need to pay transit fees to send gas through Ukraine, and both Russia and Europe have less need to rely on the pipeline that runs through Ukraine. “The thinking is that as long as that remains a critical transit corridor for Russian supplies to get to market, Russia maybe is less likely to interfere or to disrupt that source of transit,” said Emily Holland, assistant professor in the Russia Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College.
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Re: Ukraine News and Discussion

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How the Tech Industry in Ukraine is Responding to the Invasion
by Zack Whitaker, Ingrid Lunden, Carly Page, and Amanda Silberling
February 24, 2022

(TechCrunch) On February 24, Russia launched an invasion of neighboring Ukraine after months of a military build-up on its borders.

The attack began with cyberattacks that targeted Ukrainian government departments with floods of internet traffic and data-wiping malware, followed by a ground, sea and air incursion. News outlets in Ukraine are also reporting outages caused by cyberattacks, which the Ukrainian government says it has “unambiguously linked” to Moscow.

The impacts of the invasion are…being felt across Ukraine’s wider tech ecosystem, which includes not only hundreds of startups and larger tech firms, but also research and development offices for some of the world’s biggest technology brands.
A director at one major tech company, who asked us to not name the company for the safety of its employees, confirmed to us that it is in the process of working out how to evacuate all of its staff in Ukraine. The situation is being hampered by the fact that all airspace is now out of bounds, and public transportation is largely out of action. The current plan is to figure out how to get staff across the border either to Hungary or Poland.

In Ukraine, there are many more home-grown startups that are also feeling the fallout (and bear supporting if you’re so inclined). They include Ajax, a home wireless security company; the AI-based grammar and writing engine Grammarly; the face-swapping app Reface; pet camera system Petcube; People AI, the sales and marketing intelligence startup; and language tutor marketplace Preply. These companies have raised funding from some of the world’s biggest VCs and one question will be how and if those relationships will be impacted with the latest developments.
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