How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

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How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by Albertc93 »

I'm a huge fan of pop culture. Games, movies, tv shows, are things i enjoy and have enjoyed for as long as I can remember.

What I'm wondering is, how long do you guys think it'll be until I'll be able to watch a movie or play a game or listen to a song that has been 100% developed by an advanced A.I system that requires really no human imput other then for consumption. What we have as entertainment today is already very captivating, but i imagine a time where an A.I can make something we humans would need 100 years or so to do.

For example, make a video game with such details that it would take human programmers a millenia to produce even with our current or better tech or how about a movie that's been entirely created by an A.I that's taken in every film ever made to somehow compile it into the most epic film ever seen or how about creating an animation show beyond what any human hands could ever make?

These are the kind of exciting things i envision for the not too distance future of entertainment in general. Basically a new Renaissance, in terms of the quality of media that will be available for the masses to enjoy. When do you guys think that such a thing will become reality?
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by Tadasuke »

2040 for the simpler stuff, not really better than by humans, but still could be impressive or interesting
2060 for an entire feature-length movie, tv series, long animation or an entire huge video game which would be far better than made by humans
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by bretbernhoft »

That's an excellent question, and I would assume the answer is some time later this decade or in the 2030s. What you're referring to is the type of work I'm studying to develop. And when this kind of media making does become available it will be quite popular. Thank you for posting your question(s) and for brining this topic to light here.
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by raklian »

What happens if someone asks the A.I. creator to create a story that will last the rest of this person's life? :lol:
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by R8Z »

Just today I was trying to generate some artwork for my living room using the Wombo Dream android app. It's already here to some extent. Anyone can generate average-up-to-good-enough abstract artwork already using AI with an APP just providing a small phrase to the AI.

I suspect other mediums like GIFs, songs, etc. will be possible soon (this decade) as updated versions of GPT-X and the liker are launched.

Short movies I predict to be possible by the mid 2030s. Small games the same. Studio quality stuff will not be here until the mid-to-late 2040s I suspect, as the edge cases are hard to lapidate.

A few examples from Wombo Dream I've generated for this thread. Here's the link to play around if anyone is interested:

And, as always, bye bye.
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by Ozzie guy »

Yuli would know this he loves synthetic media.
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by Cyber_Rebel »

raklian wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:15 am What happens if someone asks the A.I. creator to create a story that will last the rest of this person's life? :lol:
Y'know, I'd like to think an A.I. would view a question like this as being more "abstract." Maybe, if it understood well enough, it would create content that is so endearing, and tailor made to that person's specifications as to be seen as timeless. That story would last a lifetime as something you'd revisit and never be tired of.

By this point, I'd also hope we somehow are past "copyright," because I'm sure there are many like me who would like 1 more season of a favorite show, or a curious rewrite on if things had taken a different turn. Maybe different laws could apply for A.I. generated content so long as someone doesn't profit from a rewrite or new "season," and be treated similarly to fanfiction/art.
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by SerethiaFalcon »


I'm just curious what you would replace copyright with to ensure original producers still get paid for the long, grueling hours they took to make something, while also enabling people to create new iterations of that original content? I've heard this throwing out copyright thing thrown around, but I just can't imagine what they want to replace it with. Why not just shorten the number of years something is copyrighted and treat series versus individual pieces of work differently? Otherwise, I think things could get very messy and there could be a lot of people not paid for their work, especially if they don't have the money to sue the person or there is no law against it. This could discourage those that remain creating things after AI wipes most creators out of the picture. Which would leave us with mostly...AI creators and humans that exploit, rather than genuine human creators. To me, that would be a huge loss (to lose the small remainder of humans left creating). Besides, if humans lose their ability to truly create something due to laziness and lack of reward, won't that just lead to humanity being consumers and nothing else? What kind of a life would that even be?
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by Cyber_Rebel »


Keep in mind I don't mean to remove it right now, though I'm not exactly a fan of the current model & YouTube in particular. Mainly later down the line when this technology materializes, in which case your suggestion to have earlier sunset periods of pieces of work could bridge us there. To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself what's best to replace it, just that it'll need revising when disruptive technologies make that way of handling things dated.
This could discourage those that remain creating things after AI wipes most creators out of the picture. Which would leave us with mostly...AI creators
Ah, but you see, who owns the content created by A.I. to begin with? Is it, the corporation which created said A.I. or distributes the tech? Should we allow monopolies to control copywrite more so than today? What of the government that may regulate it? Should the state have that control over content? Or the individual person who codes/writes the A.I. creator with what they wish to make? I used the fanart/fiction comparison for that reason, like if someone is getting paid for a commission of art depicting characters they didn't create. It's already a pretty grey area, and if the A.I. itself "owns" the work, things will become even more muddled.
Besides, if humans lose their ability to truly create something due to laziness and lack of reward, won't that just lead to humanity being consumers and nothing else?
There are some who argue we are just this already. In my view it really depends on the level of A.I., and if you truly believe humanity possesses something creatively "unique" in comparison to it. It's also possible A.I. will free our creative potential. Not all artist, composures, poets, musicians, do what they do for the profit motive. That's a part of it, but to genuinely enjoy the passion of your craft is another. This is also related to many other fields tied to automation, and what humanity will do with the extra time. (Hopefully more time to learn & explore new things)
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Re: How long until an artificial intelligence media creator?

Post by SerethiaFalcon »

Thanks for your reply Cyber_Rebel! You made the original question I had about copyright clearer, so I have nothing to add to that. As far as AI creators, those are a lot of good questions. I think for me personally, I can't contribute much to that thought process. There is a deep skepticism in me that humans will actually do anything substantial about it in time, especially with the power and wealth it may give to a select few. I just don't see a viable way to subvert the power and wealth that will be accumulated by the small number that benefits (especially as tech advances). Of course, people always portray it as the lowly common individual wins in the end, but I don't believe it for one second.

As to the creativity in humans bit, I guess I didn't make that clear. I'm not implying humans are somehow special in their creativity (at least that is not what I meant to imply). It was more a concern of a loss of skill and ability to even do this that I was concerned about. However, I suppose one could argue as tech progresses, humanity is losing a lot of the skills we once had because they are no longer necessary. Whether that is ultimately good or bad depends on the person's viewpoint. It could be argued that creating will not disappear, but only shift and change what that skill is poured into. I guess what I will say for me personally is the idea of living 24/7 in a world constructed entirely by AI and entirely or almost entirely digital does cause me anxiety. We will be wholly dependent on something else for our survival at that point and I'm not sure I can trust it. Also, it will be like an entirely different species than don't know. What comes around goes around I suppose. This might be beyond my lifetime anyway, but it might not.
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