Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Maybe I am being unfair to Tucker Carlson, but I think I am about ready to put him in the "fascist" camp, as opposed to being merely a conservative with whom I have philosophical differences of opinion. A main reason is his slimebucket ways of promoting what I consider to be whacko conspiracy theories. At the very least, he needs to produce credible evidence, as opposed to hiding behind the Fox News defense of "we are only here to entertain and so have no obligation to tell the truth," or "I am just asking questions" without responsible investigation and follow-up as to what the answers to those questions might be.

Tucker Carlson’s Conspiracy Theory About the January 6 Rioters Has Been Forcefully Debunked
by Alex Henderson
December 10, 2021


(Alternet) January 6, 2021 was among the most horrifying days in U.S. history — a day in which a violent mob of far-right insurrectionists attacked the U.S. Capitol Build in the hope of preventing Congress from certifying now-President Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory over their idol, then-President Donald Trump. Yet Tucker Carlson and other far-right Fox News hosts have not only been apologists for the January 6 coup attempt, but also, pushed the nonsense conspiracy theory that some of the rioters were really leftist Antifa members. Washington Post opinion writer Aaron Blake examines some of Carlson’s January 6-related claims in his December 10 column, explaining why they are so ludicrous and detached from reality.

“From basically the moment the January 6 Capitol insurrection concluded, supporters of Donald Trump have sought to pitch the event as a ‘false flag’ — and ultimately even some kind of government conspiracy,” Blake explains. “It looked bad, after all, to have allies who believed Trump’s bogus stolen-election claims resort to violence and chant about killing (then-Vice President) Mike Pence while marauding through the halls of Congress. So, for 11 months, the likes of Tucker Carlson and conspiratorially-minded members of Congress such as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) have sought evidence in support of that conclusion. It continues to go poorly.”

In his column, Blake draws heavy on an article by journalist Ryan J. Reilly that HuffPost published on December 9.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-c ... cf12b89bd9
(Ryan J. Reilly - Huffington Post) Viewers of Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show were presented this week with a very explosive charge: that a man in red face paint and a “Keep America Great” hat at the front lines of the U.S. Capitol attack is “clearly a law enforcement officer” and an “agent provocateur” who infiltrated the Jan. 6 mob to make Donald Trump’s supporters look bad.

“Let’s put his picture back on the screen,” Carlson said Monday on his show as an image appeared beside him. “Who is this person? Why hasn’t he been charged? That’s a very simple ask.”

Carlson has repeatedly and falsely suggested that the Capitol riot was actually a false flag event, meaning it was staged by shadowy government authorities in order to persecute Trump fans.

Joseph McBride, an attorney for several Jan. 6 defendants who was a key figure in Carlson’s “Patriot Purge” series on the Fox Nation streaming service, told Fox News viewers that the painted man’s face was “MAGA red,” but he was only in disguise as a Trump supporter….

But the man is no fed. He is mainly known to St. Louis Cardinals fans as “Rally Runner,” HuffPost has learned, and he sprints around the outside of Busch Stadium during home games. Based on the man’s Facebook posts, he appears to have a fairly difficult life and has a tenuous relationship with reality. And he’s a huge Tucker Carlson fan.
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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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At a conference in India last month, a Hindu extremist dressed head-to-toe in the religion's holy color, saffron, called on her supporters to kill Muslims and "protect" the country.

"If 100 of us become soldiers and are prepared to kill 2 million (Muslims), then we will win ... protect India, and make it a Hindu nation," said Pooja Shakun Pandey, a senior member of the right-wing Hindu Mahasabha political party, according to a video of the event.
Her words and calls for violence from other religious leaders were met with a roar of applause from the large audience, a video from the three-day conference in the northern Indian city of Haridwar shows.
But across India, people were outraged. Nearly a month on, many are still furious at the lack of government response or arrests over the comments, which they say highlights a worsening climate for the country's Muslims.
After mounting pressure, India's top court intervened on Wednesday, asking for a response from state and federal authorities within 10 days.
Pandey and several others are being investigated by local police for insulting religious beliefs, a charge that carries a possible sentence of up to four years in prison, Haridwar police officials told CNN.
Neither Pandey, nor the others, have publicly commented about the outcry or investigations.
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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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India’s Supreme Court says it will investigate after complaints that Hindu nationalist leaders called on followers to take up arms against the country’s Muslim minority.

The notice of investigation was issued last week to the northern state of Uttarakhand, where a Hindu nationalist conference in the city of Haridwar was attended by hundreds of right-wing activists.

“We must prepare to either kill or be killed,” one of the speakers, Swami Prabodhananda Giri, said at the three-day conference, which was held Dec. 17-19.

Anti-Muslim sentiment has been rising in Hindu-majority India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist. But recent calls to violence are shocking in their extremity, experts say, going beyond hate speech to advocate ethnic cleansing.
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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

Post by caltrek »

More fall out from Trump's Big Lie:

‘It’s time to kill’: Texas Man Accused of Threatening Georgia Election Officials
by Megan Butler
January 21, 2022

https://www.courthousenews.com/its-time ... officials/

ATLANTA (Courthouse News) — A Texas man was arrested in the Austin area on Friday by the FBI on charges that he posted threatening messages directed at Georgia government officials last year.

Chad Stark, 54, of Leander, Texas, allegedly posted a message to Craigslist the day before the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, entitled, “Georgia Patriots it’s time to kill [Official A] the Chinese agent - $10,000.” The Justice Department did not name the state officials in its announcement of the charges.
Further Extract:
Nearly one in three election officials in the U.S. reported feeling unsafe in their job, according to an April survey commissioned by the Brennan Center for Justice.
FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement that Stark's arrest shows his agency's "commitment in our pursuit of justice against those who choose to threaten violence against anyone participating in our elections

“Election workers striving to protect our right to a fair and democratic process deserve nothing less than the utmost safety and assurance they can accomplish their roles without interference," Wray said. "The FBI will continue to focus on our mission of protecting these individuals and the important work they do, as well as every American’s right to vote.”
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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Great thread ↓

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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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Re: Fascism watch thread/news and discussions

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And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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