Synthetic Media & Generative AI News and Discussions

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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Tadasuke »

Things are slowly getting closer to what I envisioned as a "personal paradise for everyone" by the year 2100, when an affordable personal computer should be a trillion times faster than a PS5 and a quadrillion times faster than a PS2.

Today the problem is that you need to browse the web to find what you like and that browsing can take time and also be disturbing or disgusting (at least for me). By the year 2040, AI will be capable to either quickly find what you like on the web or to create what you like (to an extent). Whatever image you imagine will be possible to be created nearly instantly in the year 2040. Whatever fantasies you may have will be made possible in image form by AIs. Web stories will be always illustrated and memes will be much more original. Also dubbing will be done by AIs by 2040. Of course things are becoming possible even now, but in a form that needs a lot of improvement to be perfected. We will probably see whole comics done using AI programs. By 2040 some people will even try animations done entirely by AIs.

I think it will be a better future overall. Of course people will also be creating disturbing, disgusting things with AIs, but the pros will top the cons. Just like the WWW today is better than no worldwide web at all.
Global economy doubles in product every 15-20 years. Computer performance at a constant price doubles nowadays every 4 years on average. Livestock-as-food will globally stop being a thing by ~2050 (precision fermentation and more). Human stupidity, pride and depravity are the biggest problems of our world.
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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

I am not involved in the visual arts industry so I wouldn't know, but I am aware of some panic that has been simmering for a few months.

I distinctly remember a fairly vicious pushback I had back in 2020 when I argued that such a thing like DALL-E 2 was imminent, with the comment accusing me of not understanding art and overexaggerating AI progress. Here we are 2 years later. It's not going to take another 2 years for disruption to eviscerate multiple industries.

It feels good to argue that we have 5 to 10 years left because that gives us humans just enough time to make bank, make a career, and high-tail it out of here.

Poppycock! DALL-E 3 will be a 2023 invention (2024 at latest) and it'll mop the floor with humans so magnificently that if it was publicly released the same day, you could almost immediately shut down whole colleges of art, modeling, and graphic design and not look back.

Should stress that I DO have some experience in the literary arts industry, and even when I was more active, I was using artificial intelligence to help me out. That was 2019-2020. Not just because I was already obsessed with synthetic media, I could read the writing on the wall (no pun intended) and tell that there was at max 5 to 7 years left before AI completely dominated that field. Only because of the nature of long-form coherent storytelling do I stick with that prediction— an AI that can generate a whole coherent novel with a beginning, middle, and end that all ties into itself without going on bizarro tangents can also pass the Turing Test reliably.

Creating ultra-coherent art and photographs won't take much more than what we have now. Just a bit more scaling.
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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

Blast from the past: synthetic media from 2015

Think about just how far we've come in just seven years!
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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

More news from 2015

Crazy to think this used to be the state of the art, the absolute best we could do in terms of image synthesis. It looks so quaint, so primitive by modern standards.

And don't you worry, one day we'll be saying the same thing about this:
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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

Yuli Ban wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 5:56 am

I feel people didn't react to this enough
Dr. Wood says “This is simply the most impressive AI result I have personally seen in my career. Long range coherence is a challenge even for modern language models with massive parameter counts. Will, Saeid, Vaden, and Christian have taken a huge step forward by being able to stably generate coherent, photo-realistic 1hour+ long videos; 70x’s longer than their longest training video, and more than 2000x’s longer than the maximum of 20 frames they ever look at at once during training. There is something very special in the training procedure they have developed and the architecture they employ. Never have we been closer to being able to formulate AI agents that plan visually in domains with life-like complexity.”
It did all that, over an hour of novel video... off only 78 million parameters. Literally smaller than GPT-1.
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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

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A video call between Berlin Mayor Franziska Giffey and a man pretending to be Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko broke off as suspicion grew he was an imposter, the Berlin Senate Chancellery said on Friday.

"There were no reference points that the video conference was not being conducted with a real person. Apparently, it is a deepfake. Police have been called in to investigate," the chancellory wrote on Twitter.
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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

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Re: Synthetic Media & Deepfakes News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

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