Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Children as young as 6 are taking up arms in Mexico
Child soldiers
Nineteen children were conscripted into a vigilante group that for years has been battling drug gangs in Mexico’s Guerrero state. The recruits are as young as 6. ... d-to-fight
In a lawless stretch of western Mexico, children as young as 6 are taking up arms against organized crime.

This week, 19 children were conscripted into a vigilante group that for years has been battling drug gangs in restive Guerrero state. Images published by local journalists of the initiation ceremony — in which uniformed, rifle-wielding boys performed military-style maneuvers — drew outrage across Mexico, with human rights officials condemning the exercise as child abuse.

A leader of the vigilante group said in a phone interview Thursday that an increase in violence in the region and the absence of government intervention have left the community with no choice but to arm even its children.

“They must be prepared,” said Bernardino Sanchez Luna, who founded the self-defense group known as the CRAC-PF. “If they are afraid, the criminals will kill them like little chickens.”
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

An Interview With Prime Ralph Gonsalves of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
by Laura Capote and Leticia Garziglia
June 19, 2022

(Janata Weekly) [The small island countries of CARICOM have given a demonstration of dignity and sovereignty, maintaining firm positions on the U.S. interference policy against Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Here is an Exclusive interview with Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. “Comrade Ralph”, as he is known to his supporters and countrymen, is the main leader of the Labor Unity Party, and is serving his fifth consecutive term in office, after winning the 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020 elections.

In addition to being an active campaigner for the republic and full sovereignty, Gonsalves is a renowned intellectual figure. An economist and Master in Public Administration from the University of the West Indies, and Doctor in Administration from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, he has written on trade unionism, Marxism, neocolonialism, political economy, Africa, the Caribbean and the problems of integration and development, among other topics. Some of his most outstanding books are “The Specter of Imperialism: The Case of the Caribbean” (1976); “History and the Future: A Caribbean Perspective” (1994) and “The Non-Capitalist Path to Development: Africa and the Caribbean” (1981).

Currently, Gonsalves is one of the main promoters of the policy of reparations to Afro-descendant populations for the crimes of slavery and trafficking, as well as an active promoter of the integrationist policies of CARICOM and ALBA-TCP.]

❈ ❈ ❈
Question: How do you analyze the global and continental geopolitical situation? What projects and forces are in conflict? What are the main trends?

Ralph Gonsalves: We are in an extremely complex period of the global political economy, flooded with multiple contradictions. One of the constants is the advance of monopoly capitalism, which has spread across the globe. The asymmetrical link between global monopoly capitalism, the governments of North America, Europe, Australia, Japan and what are known as “emerging markets” is visible. Of course, within the major monopoly capitalist countries there are national factions, so there are contradictions within the European Union itself and between them and the United States, even though they all share capital’s historic mission.
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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

How Cuba Is Eradicating Child Mortality and Banishing the Diseases of the Poor
by Vijay Prashad and Manolo De Los Santos
July 6, 2022

(Eurasia Review) The region of the Zapata Swamp, where the Bay of Pigs is located, before the Revolution, had an infant mortality rate of 59 per 1,000 live births. The population of the area, mostly engaged in subsistence fishing and in the charcoal trade, lived in great poverty. Fidel spent the first Christmas Eve after the Revolution of 1959 with the newly formed cooperative of charcoal producers, listening to them talk about their problems and working with them to find a way to exit the condition of hunger, illiteracy, and ill-health. A large-scale project of transformation had been set into motion a few months before, which drew in hundreds of very poor people into a process to lift themselves up from the wretched conditions that afflicted them. This is the reason why these people rose in large numbers to defend the Revolution against the attack by the United States and its mercenaries in 1961.

To move from 59 infant deaths out of every 1,000 live births to no infant deaths in the matter of a few decades is an extraordinary feat. It was done, Dr. Dayamis says, because the Cuban Revolution pays an enormous attention to the health of the population. Pregnant mothers are given regular care from primary care doctors and gynecologists and their infants are tended by pediatricians—all of it paid from the social wealth of the country. Small towns such as Palpite do not have specialists such as gynecologists and pediatricians, but within a short ride a few miles away, they can access these doctors in Playa Larga.
Read more here: ... oor-oped/

caltrek’s comment: Given Cuba’s advances in such fields as this, the United States ought to be ashamed of any continued sanctions against that country.
Last edited by caltrek on Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by wjfox »

'Narcos' drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero captured in Mexico - as 14 killed in Black Hawk helicopter crash during operation

Saturday 16 July 2022 12:24, UK

Mexican military forces have captured notorious drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero, who was behind the torture and murder of a US drug enforcement agent in 1985.

Caro Quintero, 69, was arrested after a search dog named Max, a bloodhound, flushed him out of hiding in shrubland in the town of San Simon in Sinaloa state during a joint operation by the navy and the attorney general's office, according to a statement from the Mexican navy.


Caro Quintero was on the FBI's most wanted list, with a $20m (£16.9m) reward offered for his capture.

The US government hailed the arrest, and said it would waste no time in requesting his extradition.

"This is huge," White House senior Latin America adviser Juan Gonzalez wrote on Twitter. ... h-12652871

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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

^^^Of course, now I suppose we will be hearing from the libertarians about the excessive use of force in capturing this scumbag...errr...I mean suspect.
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Haiti gang violence: UN votes to ban small arms sales
Source: BBC
The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to ban some weapon sales to Haiti, rocked by deadly gang violence.

The resolution calls on UN member states to prohibit the sale of small arms, light weapons and ammunition to what it calls "non-state actors".

But a proposal by China for a full embargo on weapon sales was rejected.

Since last week, 89 people have been killed in the Port-au-Prince capital region alone. Aid agencies say many areas are now dangerous to access.
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

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Mexican President Lopez Obrador Showed Leadership in Meeting With President Biden
by Rodrigo Guillot
July 27, 2022

(Alternet) Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) visited the United States on July 12 and offered five proposals to U.S. President Joe Biden. These proposals are based on AMLO’s in-depth knowledge of Mexican history and his reading of the economic crisis in the United States, which seems to be losing its edge as a global leader.
See article linked below for a description of the five proposals

López Obrador has not only established himself as the political reference point for the Latin American left but has also been leading the process of integration in the south of the region through the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) summit and his diplomacy in Central America. He has managed to undermine the interventionist capacity of the United States without losing the friendly relationship with Mexico’s northern neighbor, as this official visit to the United States demonstrates. Besides this, Mexico has proposed solutions to inflation and the global ailments caused by the pandemic and the Ukraine war, encouraging its U.S. counterpart to follow Mexico’s political economy.

Latin America and the Caribbean are increasingly being seen as equals to the United States; are putting themselves on the front line in the battle for the sovereignty of countries such as Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela; and are backing progressive processes such as those in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Honduras. Likewise, López Obrador has put on the table a political subject that will be of paramount importance in U.S. domestic life: the rights of the Mexican and Latino migrant workers. AMLO has asked them to use their votes to monitor and shape the immigration legislative reforms in the United States and to ensure that the interests of the Global South are no longer ignored during policymaking in the West.
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

Mexico President to Bypass Congress to Keep Army in Streets
by Maria Verza
August 15, 2022

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president has begun exploring plans to sidestep congress to hand formal control of the National Guard to the army, a move that could extend the military’s control over policing in a country with high levels of violence.

That has raised concerns because President Andrés Manuel López Obrador won approval for creating the force in 2019 by pledging in the constitution that it would be under nominal civilian control and that the army would be off the streets by 2024.

Neither the National Guard nor the military has been able to lower the insecurity in the country, however. This past week, drug cartels staged widespread arson and shooting attacks, terrifying civilians in three main northwest cities in a bold challenge to the state. On Saturday, authorities sent 300 army special forces and 50 National Guard members to the border city of Tijuana.

Still, López Obrador wants to keep soldiers involved in policing and remove civilian control over the National Guard, whose officers and commanders are mostly soldiers, with military training and pay grades.

But the president no longer has the votes in congress to amend the constitution and has suggested he may try to do it as a regulatory change with a simple majority in congress or by executive order and see if the courts will uphold that.
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

In Mexico Resort Town, Squatters Make a Stand Against Developers
by Mark Stevenson
August 18, 2022
TULUM, Mexico (AP) — Unchecked development has hit this once laid-back beach town on Mexico’s Caribbean coast so hard that developers are now eager —even desperate— to build condominiums and hotels in a shantytown.

While police are trying to evict squatters so towering condos can be built next to wood and tarpaper shacks, residents are fighting back, saying they are tired of foreign investors excluding local people from their own coast.

In the latest clash on July 27, police accompanying a backhoe fired tear gas and tried to knock down some squatters’ homes in the shadow of a new, balconied condo building. The attempt ended when wind shifted the gas back onto officers, who retreated under a hail of rocks.

The contrast between rich and poor is stark. Gleaming white four-story condos with vaguely Mayan-sounding names and English slogans like “Live in the Luscious Jungle” and “An immersive spiritual experience” stand next to shacks made of poles, packing crates, tarps, and tin roofing.

On a coast where unchecked resort development has already closed most public access to beaches —there are only a few public access points on the 80-mile stretch known as the Riviera Maya— residents of the squatters’ camp may have reason to ask whether poorer Mexicans will be allowed here at all. ... squatters/
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Re: Mexico & Central America News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Nicaraguan government takes over opposition newspaper headquarters
Source: Reuters
The Nicaraguan government took over the facilities of a long-standing newspaper critical of President Daniel Ortega to turn the space into a "cultural center," the newspaper said on Tuesday.

The paper "La Prensa," one of the oldest in the Western hemisphere, was occupied by Nicaraguan police forces last year and several of its executives detained. Since then, a team of reporters in exile have kept the site online from abroad.

"For several days, (the regime) has been carrying out construction and moving some of (La Prensa's) machinery and equipment," the paper said on its website.

"With these actions, the Ortega-Murillo regime completes the de facto confiscation of the assets of the industrial plant of Editorial La Prensa," it said.
Read more: ... 022-08-23/
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