2022 midterm election thread

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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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Mandela Barnes wins Wisconsin Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, faces Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson in November

Bill Glauber 8:42 p.m. CT August 9, 2022

From the moment Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes entered the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, he was the frontrunner.

"I never expected to be out in front and never expected to have just anything handed to me," Barnes said recently as he sought to build a broad coalition of Democrats.

Barnes officially won the nomination in Tuesday's primary, building up a big lead in the polls that forced his main rivals to withdraw days before the first ballots were even counted.


Read more: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/pol ... 173468002/
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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Fox News, Aug. 6-9, 1002 RV (change from mid-July)

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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

Post by caltrek »

Blake Masters Could Become the First ‘Based’ Senator
by Derek Robertson
August 12, 2022

(Politico) Buried deep in a recent story about Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters is a particularly revealing comment from one of Masters’ supporters, posted on an exclusive Discord chat: “How can one man be so based?”

The uninitiated reader might be forgiven for asking: “Based on what?” The word, a slang term with origins in hip-hop culture, has been adopted in recent years by the extremely online far right to basically mean “anything that owns the libs” — the more openly racist, misogynistic or politically incorrect the better. (The commenter was responding to a podcast appearance in which Masters attributed America’s gun violence problem to “Black people, frankly.”)

The right has been pursuing new and exotic methods by which to rhetorically offend liberals since before the Internet existed. But Masters embodies a particularly modern, novel version of this phenomenon more than any other politician — and it’s made him the darling of the extremely-online right that embraced Donald Trump early and enthusiastically, with their masculinity-obsessed, reflexively anti-institutional, will-to-power view of politics.

The key difference between the two: Trump, a septuagenarian reality TV star with an endless arsenal of meme-able personal tics and a total unwillingness (or inability) to experience shame, was a source of fun and an ironic avatar for those young voters. Masters, a millennial message-board addict with an awkward personal affect that sharply contrasts with his macho posturing, is those voters.

The New York Times reported last month on his long track record of message board posting, including a brand of incoherent, quasi-libertarian edgelord-ism (conspiracies about the Rothschilds, anyone?) that will be familiar to anyone who’s spent even a modest amount of time in the forum trenches. His campaign materials feature the new-right’s trademark aesthetic mash-up of garish neon retro-futurism and moody, backward-looking pastoral imagery.
Read more here: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine ... -00051318

The remainder of the article (see provided link) could easily fit in the Fascism Watch thread.
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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Fetterman 'grateful' as he returns to Pa. Senate race
Source: AP


ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman acknowledged he was lucky to be alive as he officially returned to the campaign trail Friday, more than 90 days after the Democrat suffered a stroke that threatened his life and political prospects in one of the nation’s premier Senate contests.

Fetterman spoke for nearly 11 minutes, haltingly at times, as he addressed several hundred voters packed inside a convention center on the shores of Lake Erie. It was the 52-year-old lieutenant governor’s only scheduled public rally this month as he gradually ramps up his public schedule.

“Tonight for me, it’s about being grateful — just grateful,” said Fetterman, who stood for the duration of his remarks. “Three months ago my life could have ended. It’s the truth.”

He said he may not have survived his stroke if he was in rural Elk County instead of being just 20 minutes away from a major stroke facility.

Read more: https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm ... 03475b0099
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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hysician Green wins Hawaii Democratic primary for governor
Source: AP


HONOLULU (AP) — For their 16th wedding anniversary, Democrats in Hawaii gifted Josh Green and his wife, Jaime, a comfortable margin of victory in the gubernatorial primary Saturday.

Green, the state’s current lieutenant governor, handily defeated former first lady Vicky Cayetano and Kaiali’I Kahele, who decided to seek the governor’s office instead of a second term in the U.S. House.

Green, with lei of yellow and purple flowers and green leaves piled high up to his neck, alternated between throwing fists in the air and giving the shaka sign to a boisterous crowd of supporters at his victory party.

“On to November, we will win the governorship and lead Hawaii forward,” he said to the cheering crowd.

Read more: https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm ... bd2748ce16
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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Liz Cheney Concedes Defeat to Trump-Backed Harriet Hageman
Source: New York Times
JACKSON, Wyo. — Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming conceded defeat to Harriet Hageman in her Republican primary on Tuesday, handing Donald J. Trump his most prized trophy yet in his long campaign to purge the Republican Party of his critics.

Ms. Hageman, a lawyer in Cheyenne, was lifted by Mr. Trump’s endorsement in her race against Ms. Cheney, the daughter of a former vice-president and former member of the House Republican leadership.

Ms. Cheney’s loss was as anticipated as it was consequential. The leading Republican voice against Mr. Trump, and vice chairwoman of the committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, next year will no longer have her perch in Congress from which to battle a figure she believes poses a grave threat to American democracy.

The repudiation of Ms. Cheney also makes it clear that Republican primary voters will reject officeholders who openly confront Mr. Trump, even as the former president remains embroiled in multiple investigations. Just two of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Mr. Trump last year will advance to the general election this fall.
Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/16/us/p ... =url-share
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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Alask Primary Results
by Sarah Frostenson
August 17, 2022

(FiveThirtyEight) It’ll be awhile yet before we know who won Alaska’s House special election — additional results are scheduled to be released on Aug. 23, Aug. 26 — and then on Aug. 31, when the ranked-choice tabulations should take place as all the mail ballots will be in.

But with only a few points separating former Republican Gov. Sarah Palin and Republican businessman Nick Begich III for second place, it’ll be important to watch how the vote tallies change. For instance, if Palin ends up finishing third, she’ll be eliminated and most of her support would likely go to Begich, leading to his election. But if Begich finishes third, his support might be split between Palin and Democratic former state Rep. Mary Peltola, who is currently in the lead, possibly helping Peltola win. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Elsewhere, in Alaska, things went largely as expected. In the regularly scheduled House primary, Palin, Begich, Peltola and former Assistant Secretary of the Interior Tara Sweeney all advanced and in the Senate primary, both Sen. Lisa Murkowski and former Alaska Department of Administration Commissioner Kelly Tshibaka advanced. (Democrat Patricia Chesbro has just 6 percent of the vote, but is also projected to advance. The fourth candidate is yet to be determined, but will also have a small share of the vote.) And in the governor’s race, we don’t have any projections, but incumbent Gov. Mike Dunleavy is in pretty good shape, though as Nathaniel noted on the live blog, it’s possible Democratic former state Rep. Les Gara could eat into his margin signaling trouble for him in the general.
Read more here: https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/ ... n-cheney/

At this writing, CNN is reporting that in the House Special Election Peltola is leading with 37.8% of the vote (58,892) Palin has 32.1% (48,304) and Begich has 28.6% (43,0380). For the Senate race, Murkowski has only a very narrow lead with 43.7% of the vote compared to Tshibaka’s 40.4%.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/election/2022/resu ... primaries (Results of the governors’ race is also available at this CNN site. Results shown in link may differ from those cited as more votes are tabulated and reported).

Edit: For more background on the Alaskan races, here is a link to a Courthouse News article of August 9, 2022: https://www.courthousenews.com/first-go ... -primary/
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

Post by caltrek »

weatheriscool wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:09 am Liz Cheney Concedes Defeat to Trump-Backed Harriet Hageman
Source: New York Times
Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/16/us/p ... =url-share
Common Dreams has an article giving more background on Hageman and her Democratic opponent Lynnette Grey Bull: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022 ... -be-using

Briefly, Hageman is a proponent of the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen by Biden forces and has publicly stated that she believes that coal is an "affordable, clean, acceptable resource that we all should be using." By contrast, Lynnette Grey Bull is a renewable energy advocate who is vying to become "the first Indigenous person to win a U.S. House seat representing Wyoming." Wyoming is a coal mining state.

In my view, Wyomings' conservative orientation means that Hageman is likely to win the seat in the general election.
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

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Mandela Barnes Says Sen. Ron Johnson 'Bought and Paid for' by Big Pharma
August 16, 2022

(Common Dreams) The campaign of Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, who is running to unseat U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, declared Tuesday that the Republican incumbent "is bought and paid for by Big Pharma."

That charge came in response to Johnson's Monday comments about Medicare negotiating the cost of certain prescription drugs, which is included in the Inflation Reduction Act that U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law Tuesday afternoon.

Appearing on "The Brian Kilmeade Show," Johnson told the Fox News host that "when you start punishing the pharmaceutical industry, you're gonna have less innovation; you're gonna have fewer lifesaving drugs. That's not a good thing."

(The link provided for further reading below includes a Twitter feed related to this article)

Barnes—who won the Democratic primary last week—said Tuesday that "while Ron Johnson is worried about protecting the bottom lines of big pharmaceutical companies, I'm worried about working families across Wisconsin who are forced to choose between putting food on the table or affording the medication they need."

"For over a decade, Ron Johnson has put big corporations and his wealthy donors before the working people he was elected to represent," he asserted. "In the Senate, I'll hold Big Pharma accountable and ensure every Wisconsinite has a fair shot."
Read more here: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022 ... ig-pharma

A Marquette poll taken between June 14 and June 20 shows Barnes with a two-point lead over Johnson, meaning he has a shot at flipping this seat to the Democrats.

Result of Marquette poll: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epol ... 7758.html
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Re: 2022 midterm election thread

Post by weatheriscool »

The Economist/YouGov weekly tracker, Aug. 13-16, 1500 adults including 1315 RV


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