LGBT+ News and Discussions

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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Trans Activists Score Major Victory In Wyoming, Defeat Healthcare Ban In A Red State For The First Time In 2023
This year, it has felt like anti-trans legislation has moved unimpeded. In Wyoming though, activists successfully pushed back and became the first red state to defeat a trans healthcare ban.
Erin Reed
34 min ago
Wyoming State Capitol from the Wyoming Department of Health Website ... or-victory

This year, it has seemed like healthcare bans for transgender youth have been moving unimpeded through state houses. Already, four states have banned gender affirming care in 2023 for transgender people under 18 years old: Utah, South Dakota, Mississippi, and Florida. Several more states have seen bills fly through committees and legislative chambers, leaving activists to wonder if anti-trans healthcare bans could be defeated in any state with a Republican trifecta. That question was answered by activists in Wyoming, who scored a huge victory and made Wyoming the first state controlled by Republicans to block an anti-trans healthcare ban.

Wyoming SF0144 was a bill that would have banned gender affirming care for transgender youth in the state. It would have prevented insurance policies from covering gender affirming care for trans youth and would have stripped the licenses of any doctors offering such care. The bill would have threatened mental and physical essential healthcare as spelled out by 29 different medical organizations that support gender affirming care. Like several other bills moving in multiple states, it would have immensely harmed transgender youth.

Unlike other states though, Republicans balked at the far reaching nature of the bill and sharply questioned the sponsor. When presenting his bill, Senator Anthony Buchard (R) could not get past the second page before Republicans on the committee noted extreme problems with the bill. Representative Lloyd Larsen (R) pointed out that the bill could threaten mental healthcare and counseling for trans youth, and Senator Buchard indicated that he would be fine with that. Representative Clark Stith (R) indicated that the bill could put federally regulated insurance plans on the health insurance marketplace at risk, threatening all of Wyoming’s providers and raising premiums. The state insurance commissioner acted as an informational witness and raised the same concerns. The entire committee, made up mostly of Republicans, seemed to express dissatisfaction with the inclusion of hormone therapy and puberty blockers in the bill.
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

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Hormone Therapy for Gender Dysphoria May Raise Cardiovascular Risks
February 23, 2023

(EurekAlert) People with gender dysphoria taking hormone replacements as part of gender affirmation therapy face a substantially increased risk of serious cardiac events, including stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism, according to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session Together With the World Congress of Cardiology.

Gender dysphoria occurs when a person’s gender identity conflicts with the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender affirmation therapy, part of a process known as transitioning, includes a variety of medical, psychological and behavioral interventions to help individuals, many of whom identify as transgender, acquire secondary sex characteristics that align with their gender identity. Recent data suggest about 1 million to 1.6 million people identify as transgender in the U.S. and that hormone therapy use is rising rapidly, especially among teens and young adults.

The current study is the largest to date examining the cardiovascular risks of gender affirmation therapy in this historically understudied population. Previous research on hormone-modulating medications has primarily focused on younger women using hormone-based birth control or on older women following a hysterectomy or during menopause. In these populations, long-term hormone replacement therapy has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, stroke and blood clots.

Researchers retrospectively examined rates of cardiovascular events in over 21,000 people with gender dysphoria from a national database of hospital records, of whom 1,675 had used hormone replacement therapy. Typically, people assigned male at birth receive estrogen and people assigned female at birth receive testosterone. Overall results found hormone replacements were associated with higher rates of cardiac events, mostly related to dangerous blood clots, but were not associated with higher rates of death.

“It’s all about risks and benefits. Starting transitioning is a big part of a person’s life and helping them feel more themselves, but hormone replacement therapy also has a lot of side effects—it’s not a risk-free endeavor,” said Ibrahim Ahmed, MD, a third-year resident at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Darby, Pennsylvania and the study’s lead author.
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caltrek’s comment: From other readings on this subject, I think many who are told of the possible negative side effects of the treatment still want to go ahead because the benefits
Don't mourn, organize.

-Joe Hill
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

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caltrek wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:01 pm Hormone Therapy for Gender Dysphoria May Raise Cardiovascular Risks
February 23, 2023

(EurekAlert) People with gender dysphoria taking hormone replacements as part of gender affirmation therapy face a substantially increased risk of serious cardiac events, including stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolism, according to a study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session Together With the World Congress of Cardiology.

Gender dysphoria occurs when a person’s gender identity conflicts with the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender affirmation therapy, part of a process known as transitioning, includes a variety of medical, psychological and behavioral interventions to help individuals, many of whom identify as transgender, acquire secondary sex characteristics that align with their gender identity. Recent data suggest about 1 million to 1.6 million people identify as transgender in the U.S. and that hormone therapy use is rising rapidly, especially among teens and young adults.

The current study is the largest to date examining the cardiovascular risks of gender affirmation therapy in this historically understudied population. Previous research on hormone-modulating medications has primarily focused on younger women using hormone-based birth control or on older women following a hysterectomy or during menopause. In these populations, long-term hormone replacement therapy has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, stroke and blood clots.

Researchers retrospectively examined rates of cardiovascular events in over 21,000 people with gender dysphoria from a national database of hospital records, of whom 1,675 had used hormone replacement therapy. Typically, people assigned male at birth receive estrogen and people assigned female at birth receive testosterone. Overall results found hormone replacements were associated with higher rates of cardiac events, mostly related to dangerous blood clots, but were not associated with higher rates of death.

“It’s all about risks and benefits. Starting transitioning is a big part of a person’s life and helping them feel more themselves, but hormone replacement therapy also has a lot of side effects—it’s not a risk-free endeavor,” said Ibrahim Ahmed, MD, a third-year resident at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Darby, Pennsylvania and the study’s lead author.
Read more here:

caltrek’s comment: From other readings on this subject, I think many who are told of the possible negative side effects of the treatment still want to go ahead because the benefits
Birth control for cis woman cause about 4 times as much blood clots and such. Bio-estrogen causes about 1-1.5 over cis-male levels....It isn't very dangerous. ;) Of course, non-bio estrogen is 5-9 and most studies that said it is dangerous were based on permin/diane-35 and horse piss.
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Bills would let transgender people seal name-change requests ... 037c1b0fd0
Maia Xiao poses for a portrait in the library of radio station KEXP where she volunteers in Seattle, Feb. 17, 2023. A letter from Xiao prompted a Washington state lawmaker to introduce a bill that would keep out of the public record petitions of name change for gender expression and identity. Public name changes can lead to harassment of transgender people. (AP Photo/Manuel Valdes)

SEATTLE (AP) — You can change your name, but in many states you can’t completely shed your old one — something that’s of particular concern to transgender people and that legislators in at least two states are trying to change.

A bill in Washington would allow gender expression and identity as reasons to seal, or keep out of the public record, a future petition for a name change. And a California bill would require the sealing of petitions by minors to change their name and gender on identity documents.

In states where such petitions aren’t sealed, transgender people can be susceptible to cyberbullying or even physical violence because their previous names, and by extension their lives, are an open book in the public record, advocates warn. Students, for instance, can and do easily find and share such records when they are looking for background on a new kid in town, one advocate noted.
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

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Iowa students to leave class Wednesday in statewide protest over LGBTQ bills - Des Moines Register
Students at 14 Iowa public school districts and one university are planning to walk out of class Wednesday to protest bills introduced in the Iowa Legislature that they say discriminate against the rights of LGBTQ people.

Several controversial bills centered on LGBTQ youth have been introduced this legislative session. Student organizers are particularly concerned about bills that would require educators to notify parents and guardians if a student is transgender, as well as a bill prohibiting the teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation to students through sixth-grade.

Lawmakers are also considering legislation that would restrict gender-affirming care for minors this session.

Gov. Kim Reynolds has pushed a "parental control" agenda for public education, saying "woke" policy decisions by school districts are undermining parents. "Parents are the decision-makers for their children," Reynolds said at a talk for the free market Cato Institute. "I think it’s so sad that we have to codify that in today’s environment, but the fact of the matter is we have to."
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Both of South Dakota's anti-drag bills have now been defeated
The Senate education committee killed a bill Tuesday morning that took aim at preventing events like a recent drag show hosted by a student organization at South Dakota State University from ever happening again.

House Bill 1116, which would have prohibited the use of state resources in hosting lewd or lascivious content, failed on a motion that would’ve sent the bill to the Senate with a recommendation that it pass, with a 3-4 vote. Then, the Senate committee passed a motion to kill the bill on a 4-3 vote.

Drag originated in 19th century British theater and has heavy roots in modern LGBTQ+ culture. It is a form of performance and entertainment that challenges assumptions of gender identity and expression.

Sens. Steve Kolbeck (R-Brandon), Tom Pischke (R-Dell Rapids) and Jessica Castleberry (R-Rapid City) voted in favor of the legislation, while Senators Shawn Bordeaux (D-Mission), Sydney Davis (R-Burbank), Tim Reed (R-Brookings) and Kyle Schoenfish (R-Scotland) voted against it. ... 52894.html
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Trans powerlifter JayCee Cooper wins discrimination suit against USA Powerlifting
| A Minnesota judge rules the governing body violated her civil rights by denying trans women a opportunity to compete. ... ans-rights
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Michigan Senate votes to add LGBTQ+ protections to Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act
Published March 1, 2023 12:53PM ... larsen-act
LANSING, Mich. (FOX 2) - The Michigan Senate voted Wednesday to expand the state's Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ+ people.

Last month, the State Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety advanced the bill to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the act, which protects people from discrimination on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status.

The bill was introduced by Sen. Jeremy Moss in January.

Twenty-three lawmakers voted for the bill, while 15 voted against it. Co-sponsors praised the passage of the bill.


Statement from Progress Michigan's Sam Inglot:
Sam Inglot, the deputy director of Progress Michigan. released a statement after the vote:

"For decades now, LGBTQ+ lawmakers, activists and their allies have worked to expand the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, and the Republican Party stopped them at every turn. But with our new, hard-won progressive majority, the wait for equal protections under the law for the LGBTQ+ community is almost over. LGBTQ+ Michiganders are valued members of our communities who deserve to be able to live openly and authentically without fear of discrimination and they have been denied these freedoms for far too long. We hope this bill moves quickly through the rest of the legislature and gets to Gov. Whitmer’s desk as soon as possible. Expanding the ELCRA is an enormous win delivered by generations of lawmakers and advocates who have worked tirelessly to make our state more inclusive, and we join the majority of Michiganders in celebrating it—but our work doesn’t end here. We remain committed to fighting back against anti-LGBTQ+
propaganda and supporting safe, inclusive education in our schools, and we will not let LGBTQ+ people in other states be left behind."
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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Alaska drops policy banning discrimination against LGBTQ individuals
Source: Anchorage Daily News
In June 2020, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that workplace discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity was illegal, Alaska quickly moved to follow suit.

It published new guidelines in 2021 saying Alaska’s LGBTQ protections now extended beyond the workplace to housing, government practices, finance and “public accommodation.” It updated the website of the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights to explicitly say it was illegal to discriminate against someone because of that person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.


But a year later, the commission quietly reversed that position. It deleted language from the state website promising equal protections for transgender and gay Alaskans against most categories of discrimination, and it began refusing to investigate complaints. Only employment-related complaints would now be accepted, and investigators dropped any non-employment LGBTQ civil rights cases they had been working on.

An investigation by the Anchorage Daily News and ProPublica found the decision had been requested by a conservative Christian group and was made the week of the Republican primary for governor, in which Gov. Mike Dunleavy was criticized for not being conservative enough. The commission made the change on the advice of Attorney General Treg Taylor and announced it publicly via its Twitter feed — which currently has 31 followers — on Election Day.

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Re: LGBT+ News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Amid debate over transgender rights, New Mexico House OKs expanded protections ... tions.html
By Dan McKay / Journal Staff Writer
SANTA FE — Legislators confronted each other in testy, personal debate Friday as they moved forward with legislation to protect transgender rights in New Mexico.

The proposal won House approval on a 47-20 vote and moves next to the state Senate as lawmakers enter the final two weeks of the session.

The bill would prohibit school districts, government agencies and public contractors from discriminating on the basis of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, among other categories, when providing services.

But much of the debate focused on transgender teachers and students.

“They simply want to live their lives as who they are,” said Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil, an Albuquerque Democrat who supported the bill and described herself as the step mom of a transgender individual.
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