COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Second dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine increases protection against covid-19, maker says
Source: Washington Post
A second shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine boosts protection against symptomatic and severe covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, the drug company announced early Tuesday. Those booster shots also generated additional antibodies, molecules churned out by the immune system to help fight off infections.

“It’s very exciting news,” said Vanderbilt University Medical Center infectious-diseases and preventive-medicine professor William Schaffner, though he cautioned that not all the data had been seen and that information must be reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration before recommendations can be made. “The people who received J&J have been a little concerned that they’ve been left in the shade when it comes to repeat vaccination,” Schaffner said. These results, as presented, seem to signal that those vaccine recipients might “expect a booster in their future,” he said.

Under the FDA’s emergency use authorization, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is given as a single dose, unlike the two shots required for full immunization with the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines. Results published this summer indicate that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine generates lasting amounts of antibodies able to target the delta variant and other variants of concern. In June and July, when delta was ascendant, the effectiveness of the one-shot vaccine was 78 percent against observed covid-19, according to a report published Thursday that has not yet gone through peer review.

A second dose, given 56 days after the first, further improves protection, the company said in a news release Tuesday. According to the company’s Ensemble 2 study, a Phase 3 randomized clinical trial, efficacy was 100 percent against severe or critical covid-19 when assessed at least two weeks after the booster. Efficacy against symptomatic disease was 94 percent in the United States and 75 percent globally. “We now have generated evidence that a booster shot further increases protection against covid-19 and is expected to extend the duration of protection significantly,” Johnson & Johnson chief scientific officer Paul Stoffels said in a statement.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Brazilian minister tests positive for Covid after meeting maskless Johnson

Wed 22 Sep 2021 11.05 BST

Brazil’s health minister, Marcelo Queiroga, has tested positive for Covid and gone into isolation, 24 hours after meeting a maskless Boris Johnson and other British officials in New York.

Queiroga, who sat close to Johnson and the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, on Monday during their meeting with Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, announced his positive test on Twitter on Tuesday night.

Soon after, the Brazilian news website Metrópoles reported that Brazil had decided to abort its participation in the UN general assembly as a result of what was the second confirmed case of Covid in its delegation.

Queiroga, 55, a cardiologist, was filmed shaking hands with Johnson and patting the prime minister on the arm during Monday’s gathering at the consulate general’s house in New York. ... ss-johnson

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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

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Microneedle patch delivers COVID-19 DNA vaccine, doesn't require cold storage ... ccine.html
by American Chemical Society
More than 2 billion people worldwide are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. However, many who live in resource-limited countries haven't been able to get vaccines, partly because these areas lack temperature-controlled shipping and storage facilities. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano have developed a microneedle patch that delivers a COVID-19 DNA vaccine into the skin, causing strong immune responses in cells and mice. Importantly, the patch can be stored for over 30 days at room temperature.

To date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized three vaccines for use during the COVID-19 pandemic: one based on protein, and two on RNA. All of them must be kept refrigerated or frozen, which limits their distribution to remote or resource-limited areas. In addition, the vaccines must be administered by a healthcare worker as an injection into a muscle. Because immune cells aren't typically found in muscles, scientists have investigated various ways to deliver vaccines into the skin, which contains abundant antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and could therefore generate a stronger immune response. Hui Li, Guangjun Nie, Hai Wang and colleagues wanted to develop a microneedle patch that efficiently delivers a COVID-19 vaccine under the skin, causing potent and durable immunity without the need for a cold chain or painful injections.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by caltrek »

Right-wing Breitbart Writer Thinks Democrats are using ‘Reverse Psychology’ to get Trump Voters Killed
Alex Henderson
September 21, 2021 ... 655070502/

(Alternet) Veteran shock jock Howard Stern, now 67, has grown increasingly fed up with far-right anti-vaxxers, noting all the MAGA radio hosts who railed against COVID-19 vaccines before dying from COVID-19. And Breitbart News' John Nolte has come up with a very imaginative conspiracy theory, claiming that Stern — along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — is using "reverse psychology" in the hope of keeping "Trump supporters" unvaccinated.

This conspiracy theory, reporter Matt Gertz stresses in Media Matters, shows the ridiculous and "toxic" lengths Nolte will go to in order to vilify political opponents.

Nolte believes that Stern and others are railing against unvaccinated supporters of former President Donald Trump because they hope that they will be offended, express their displeasure by remaining unvaccinated, get sick with COVID-19 and die from it. Even by Breitbart standards, that conspiracy theory is, Gertz writes, "far-fetched."

In an article published by Breitbart on September 10, Nolte wrote, "Do you want to know why I think Howard Stern is going full-monster with his mockery of three fellow human beings who died of the coronavirus? Because leftists like Stern and CNNLOL and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated."

Nolte went on to say, "If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing…. I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be: Hey, f*ck you, I'm never getting vaccinated! And why is that a perfectly human response? Because no one ever wants to feel like they are being bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed into doing anything."
caltrek's comment: Actually, if this helped to convince some to get vaccinated, it would not be an entirely bad thing. Of course, it doesn't help to otherwise build trust.

Edit: Of course, now I suppose I will be accused of trying to use reverse psychology...
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by weatheriscool »

Breakthrough COVID-19 cases expected to become more common in coming months
Source: Roll Call

Mild cases of COVID-19 among vaccinated individuals are becoming increasingly common as the highly contagious delta variant barrels through communities, but physicians and public health experts say that shouldn’t be a cause for significant concern.

A breakthrough case of COVID-19 occurs when a person contracts COVID-19 at least two full weeks after the final dose of the vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracks only breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death, as these incidences are both serious and very rare.

COVID-19 cases are up to five times more common in unvaccinated individuals compared with the vaccinated, according to the CDC. But state-level data shows that milder breakthrough cases that do not result in hospitalization are on the rise among the fully vaccinated as virus transmission increases and vaccine efficacy decreases. And they’re expected to keep increasing.

“It’s likely that everybody will probably get infected with COVID-19 [at some point] because it’s an endemic respiratory virus. The goal is to make sure that at that time, that infection occurs after you’ve been vaccinated so it’s mild,” said Amesh Adalja, a doctor and infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

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African Leaders Condemn Vaccine Apartheid as an 'Indictment on Humanity'
by Jake Johnson
September 24, 2021 ... t-humanity

(Common Dreams) The leaders of several African nations on Thursday blasted the system of "vaccine apartheid" that rich countries and pharmaceutical giants have created by hoarding doses and refusing to share key manufacturing technology, opting to prioritize profits and patent rights over ending the coronavirus pandemic everywhere.

Addressing the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly via video conference, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared that vaccines are "the greatest defense that humanity has against the ravages of this pandemic."

"It is therefore a great concern that the global community has not sustained the principles of solidarity and cooperation in securing equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines," Ramaphosa said. "It is an indictment on humanity that more than 82% of the world's vaccine doses have been acquired by wealthy countries, while less than 1% has gone to low-income countries."

To date, just 3% of Africa's 1.3 billion-strong population has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, which has killed more than 200,000 people on the continent. World Health Organization officials warned last week that Africa is on track to receive 470 million fewer vaccine doses this year than previously expected, a shortfall that the WHO's Africa director blamed on "export bans and vaccine hoarding."

At the current pace of vaccination, nearly 80% of African nations are set to miss the WHO's goal of ensuring that at least 10% of every country's population is inoculated against Covid-19 by the end of September.
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Re: COVID-19 News and Discussions

Post by Yuli Ban »

And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future
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