VR projections

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VR projections

Post by suroy »

So according to current trajectories, standalone 8K per eye VR resolution will be pretty much mainstream by the end of the decade. But does anyone know if those 8K standalone VR headsets will have the GPU processing power to support 8K content?

Right now, most VR content is rendered in 1080p (a couple of games are supersampled) even though we have 2K and 4K per eye VR headsets. Rendering in lower resolutions is probably the reason why most, if not all VR games are cartoonish. Do you think the lack of polygons for rendering prevented many developers from making true triple AAA VR games?

When I saw Ready Player One and its rendered worlds and characters, it didn't look too real BUT it also didn't look too cartoonish like current VR content. According to John Carmack, from a technology standpoint, the VR resolution in RPO is most likely 8k per eye. It's crazy to think how most VR content in the 2010s and up to now, all look cartoonish (limited by 1080p to 2K resolution). Then somewhere in the late (or mid) 2020s to mid-2030s, the VR content will look a lot like RPO (6K to 8K). THEN somewhere in the late 2030s and thereafter, the VR content is pretty much indistinguishable from reality (12K to 16K). I'm a little bit saddened by this projection and how it'll take two decades for VR to be the same resolution as reality.

However, It's pretty cool how VR will achieve RPO type resolution in this decade but I'm not sure if it'll have the GPU power to support 8K content.
Will eye tracking/foveated.rendering really help in reducing computational cost? Will it really be dynamic as our eye movements?

(I'm new to VR and I just bought a Quest 2. It's amazing and looks promising. Just wearing the device and looking around, I could feel its potential once we get to 8K. However, the screendoor effect is noticeable; I won't be buying another VR headset unless its 8K and the prevalence of 8K content)
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Re: VR projections

Post by funkervogt »

By the end of this decade, VR goggles might have 8K resolutions per eye, but they won't be able to pack enough battery and processing power into themselves to support VR games for non-trivial amounts of time. The goggles will need to be physically plugged into gaming PCs or game consoles for those needs.
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Re: VR projections

Post by Themidnightgospel »

I'm so excited for VR technology, and yes, I believe we'll see 8K. Between Facebook's Oculus, and Mark's ambitions for a VR future, I see a fast push for 8K VR headsets. I'm actually going to start investing in Facebook because of Oculus.
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Re: VR projections

Post by Nanotechandmorefuture »

I think we should enjoy the VR improvements as they appear on the market. There are going to be brand new psychological effects we have never experienced once VR really starts improving on the reality aspect.

I had a lucid dream a couple of weeks back which was a false awakening. I got shocked when I woke up for real and realized I had my first false awakening dream. I had to do a reality check to make sure I was not still sleeping. Now imagine with VR that starts becoming more real like 8K. If the games are just as good as expected imagine waking up to some horror game at the worst time. As hilarious as it may be when you think about it later getting eaten by realistic zombies or something especially if you are wearing an 8K tier haptic suit or whatever realism effect VR will have for 8K will definitely scar you. I'm still down for the improved VR because it will be just as awesome as we think we just have to be aware this will be brand new territory we will be going into.
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