2023-2024 Presidential, senate, house, state and city election thread

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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by weatheriscool »

Musk Says He'd Back DeSantis for President If He Makes 2024 Run
Source: Bloomberg
Elon Musk said Friday night that he would support Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida, if he ran for president in 2024.

Musk, in a series of Twitter exchanges, elaborated somewhat on his political views, saying, “My preference for the 2024 presidency is someone sensible and centrist. I had hoped that would the case for the Biden administration, but have been disappointed so far.”

He called himself a “significant supporter of the Obama-Biden presidency and (reluctantly) voted for Biden over Trump.”
Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... ify%20wall
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by weatheriscool »

Iowa Republicans threaten to move caucuses if Democrats change schedule
Source: The Guardian
Few in the US would suggest that the presidential election process should last even longer than it already does, but that is exactly what may happen if Republicans in Iowa follow through with a recent threat.

In an interview this week with NBC News, Iowa’s Republican party chair said he would be prepared to move the state’s caucuses – the process Iowa uses to identify its preferred presidential candidate – “to Halloween” should Democrats shake up their primary schedule.

Iowa has long been the first state in the nation to cast its vote in the Republican and Democratic presidential primary processes, but Democrats are exploring the idea of holding their first ballot elsewhere in 2024.

Clamor has been growing in the party for a different state, with a population more representative of the US as a whole, to be given the first go, with Democratic officials in Michigan, in particular, pushing for the state to be moved up in the primary calendar.

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... -democrats
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by Yuli Ban »


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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by peekpok »

Pretty funny that DeSantis is being seen as the sane/moderate option for the right. Has Trump finally made his bed with too many toxic and crazy people that he is no longer politically viable?
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

I think the DeSantis v.s. Trump primary that may be developing is a kind of proxy fight between the populist (and somewhat lunatic) right, and the more establishment oriented right. Trump and his populists are trying to hold the Republican party hostage. DeSantis may be willing to lead the fight to free the Republican party from its more populist fringe groups. Mind you, DeSantis seems quite willing to engage in all sorts of extreme political gamesmanship to appeal to the crazies, just in a way that is more palatable to centrist independents and big money donors. In the past, Trump has been able to recruit his share of big money donor funds, but they may be growing tired of his visibly erratic and destabilizing ways.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Part of the “establishment” that may be growing tired of Trump is the judiciary. By design, they are supposed to act as a check on presidential power and on the power of aspiring demagogues.

If for no other reason than to protect their own authority and power.

Legal Experts Explain How Recent Court Rulings Suggest a Grim Outcome for
by Meaghan Ellis
November 29, 2022

(Alternet) The latest flurry of court rulings striking down former President Donald Trump's claims of executive privilege might suggest the walls are closing in on his legal team as the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and special Georgia grand jury investigations progress.

According to The Guardian, a number of legal experts have weighed in with their perspectives on what the latest rulings could mean for Trump and how it is becoming more difficult for him to avoid testifying.

Speaking to the news outlet, former DOJ prosecutor Michael Zeldin said, "Trump’s multipronged efforts to keep former advisers from testifying or providing documents to federal and state grand juries, as well as the January 6 committee, has met with repeated failure as judge after judge has rejected his legal arguments."

He added, “Obtaining this testimony is a critical step, perhaps the last step, before state and federal prosecutors determine whether the former president should be indicted … It allows prosecutors for the first time to question these witnesses about their direct conversations with the former president.”

Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. prosecutor in eastern Michigan, also shared a similar opinions.
Read more here: https://www.alternet.org/2022/11/trump-doj-case/

caltrek’s comment: It is rather ridiculous for Trump to claim executive privilege. He is no longer the executive. Meaning that it is up to Biden to evoke executive privilege in most circumstances. In turn, Biden can delegate authority in such manners to the Attorney General, who in federal cases are the executive branch when it comes to enforcement of the law. Interpretation is part of enforcement. So, if the Attorney General (or designated special counsel) determines that Trump has no executive privilege claim, the courts may very well be disposed to agree.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

Ann Coulter Doubles Down on Republicans to Abandon Donald Trump
by Alex Henderson
November 28, 2022

(Alternet) For months, far-right author Ann Coulter has been saying that the Republican Party needs to abandon former President Donald Trump and look to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the 2024 election. And with Trump having officially announced that he is seeking the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Coulter is doubling down on her assertion that Trump has become a major liability for the GOP.

Coulter isn’t the only well-known Republican who is hoping that Trump won’t be the GOP’s next presidential nominee. Others include Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah and media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

During a late November discussion on SubStack, Coulter argued, “No, don’t tell me, ‘Oh, you’re voting for Mitch McConnell or Romney if you’re for DeSantis.’ No, DeSantis is the true right-winger. Trump is the j*****s RINO.”

Coulter, during the conversation, pushed back against the view that Trump maintains a firm grip on the Republican Party even after its many disappointments in the 2022 midterms — which found a long list of Trump-backed MAGA candidates losing to Democrats.

“He is so done,” Coulter remarked. “He is on his last legs…. There are so few Trump diehards…. Trump won’t be the nominee.”
Read more here: https://www.alternet.org/2022/11/donal ... -so-done/
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

The 2024 Senate Map is Terrifying for Democrats. That’s One Reason Georgia’s Runoff Matters.
by Andrew Prokop
November , 2022

(Vox) Democrats prevailed in this year’s Senate elections — but that was the easy part.

The hard part is coming in 2024, when the party faces a starkly unfavorable map that could put them in a deep Senate hole for some time if things go even somewhat poorly.

So even though next week’s runoff pitting Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) against Herschel Walker (R) won’t determine next year’s Senate majority, because Democrats have already won it, its outcome will have significant implications for how well-positioned the party is in its next very challenging Senate cycle.

Currently, just three Democratic senators represent states Donald Trump won in 2020, and they’re all up for reelection in 2024. These are Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH), though only Brown has confirmed he’s running again. These are all very red states, and winning them in a presidential year will be quite difficult for Democrats.

But the vulnerabilities go deeper. The only remotely close states in the presidential contest where Republicans are defending seats are Florida and Texas — two states where Democrats keep coming up short of late. Democrats are also defending seats in five states Joe Biden very narrowly won in 2020. These seats are held by Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA), Jacky Rosen (D-NV), and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI).
Read more here: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politic ... -2024-map
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by peekpok »

caltrek wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:16 pm caltrek’s comment: It is rather ridiculous for Trump to claim executive privilege. He is no longer the executive. Meaning that it is up to Biden to evoke executive privilege in most circumstances. In turn, Biden can delegate authority in such manners to the Attorney General, who in federal cases are the executive branch when it comes to enforcement of the law. Interpretation is part of enforcement. So, if the Attorney General (or designated special counsel) determines that Trump has no executive privilege claim, the courts may very well be disposed to agree.
Of course nearly every legal argument Trump makes has been absurd for the past 6 years. His strategy in court is similar to a lot of career criminals: muddy the waters as much as possible, make every conceivable defense no matter how viable, and tie up the court system with red tape for as long as humanly possible. The fact that he is a former president just makes it all the more effective.

That said, I have completely lost faith that he will ever be charged with a crime. I don't know what the holdup is. Either he has an excellent network of fall guys (which has been true a lot in the past), somehow even after all this time there is no good evidence, or perhaps the justice department is just too scared to bring a case and lose.
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Re: 2024 Presidential election

Post by caltrek »

peekpok wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:25 pm
caltrek wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:16 pm caltrek’s comment: It is rather ridiculous for Trump to claim executive privilege. He is no longer the executive. Meaning that it is up to Biden to evoke executive privilege in most circumstances. In turn, Biden can delegate authority in such manners to the Attorney General, who in federal cases are the executive branch when it comes to enforcement of the law. Interpretation is part of enforcement. So, if the Attorney General (or designated special counsel) determines that Trump has no executive privilege claim, the courts may very well be disposed to agree.
Of course nearly every legal argument Trump makes has been absurd for the past 6 years. His strategy in court is similar to a lot of career criminals: muddy the waters as much as possible, make every conceivable defense no matter how viable, and tie up the court system with red tape for as long as humanly possible. The fact that he is a former president just makes it all the more effective.
That said, I have completely lost faith that he will ever be charged with a crime. I don't know what the holdup is. Either he has an excellent network of fall guys (which has been true a lot in the past), somehow even after all this time there is no good evidence, or perhaps the justice department is just too scared to bring a case and lose.
Actually, I think that you already answered the question of "what the holdup is." One thing that Trump has that even a lot of criminals lack is the ability to hire battalions of attorneys to argue his absurd lines in court. One aspect of being even just a presidential candidate is tapping into campaign contributions to further tie up the courts and try to gain some leverage over the justice department, and over even states such as Georgia. Yes, having loyalists willing and able to take the fall also helps his cause.
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