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Biology & Medicine

future timeline

27th May 2018

CRISPR-edited rice plants increase grain yield by up to 31%

Scientists from China and the USA report the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to develop a variety of rice producing 25-31% more grain than traditional breeding methods.


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14th May 2018

Helical-shaped nanobots driven inside a living cell

Researchers have demonstrated – for the first time – magnetic, helical-shaped nanomotors inside a living cell. These tiny devices could be used to deliver therapeutic payloads to highly specific locations within the cell.


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4th May 2018

AI outperforms humans in diagnosing heart failure and cancers

Deep learning programs at a diagnostic imaging lab in Cleveland, USA, now routinely defeat their human counterparts in diagnosing heart failure, detecting various cancers and predicting their strength.


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2nd May 2018

10-year project to make "ultra-safe cells"

The Genome Project-Write has announced a new 10-year initiative to attempt to make human cells immune from viral infections. The project could also lead to cells resistant to aging, cancer, freezing and radiation.


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30th April 2018

Scientists discover genes linked to depression

An unprecedented global effort by over 200 researchers has identified 44 gene variants linked to increased risk for depression.


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16th April 2018

Tiny injectable sensor could monitor long-term alcohol use

Engineers have developed a miniature, wireless, injectable biosensor that could be used for continuous, long-term alcohol monitoring. The chip is small enough to be implanted in the body just beneath the surface of the skin.


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28th March 2018

Vascular aging reversed in mice

Scientists have treated old mice with a compound that successfully reversed vascular aging, stimulated blood vessel growth and blood flow, and boosted exercise capacity. Human trials are already underway.


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22nd February 2018

Alzheimer's disease reversed in mouse model

A new study finds that blocking an enzyme called BACE1 could substantially reduce the formation of plaques responsible for Alzheimer's disease.


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26th January 2018

Monkeys cloned in China

Scientists in China report the creation of two monkey clones, named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, using the complex DNA transfer method that produced Dolly the sheep, for the first time.


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15th January 2018

New method to map miniature brain circuits

Scientists have developed a new technique to map electrical circuits in the brain far more comprehensively than ever before.


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12th January 2018

Accelerating the production of stem cells through automation: "A giant leap in regenerative medicine"

The FDA has approved the use of an automated bioreactor-based platform that can produce billions of stem cells in days, instead of months.


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21st December 2017

Baby born after embryo frozen 25 years ago

In a landmark for IVF treatment, a baby girl in the U.S. has reportedly been born after being frozen as an embryo for almost 25 years.


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