10th July 2022
UK debt-to-GDP could reach 430% by 2072
A new report warns that UK government debt is likely to see a major increase this century. The 50-year projections are based on a world of increasing risk, alongside demographic, economic, technological, and other trends.
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4th May 2022
Major advance in microwave power beaming
Researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of terrestrial microwave power beaming by transmitting 1.6 kilowatts (kW) over a distance of 1 kilometre (km) – the most significant advance for this technology in nearly 50 years.
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22nd August 2021
Artificial camouflage on a robot chameleon
Researchers have created a new material that instantly reacts to match the colour of its surroundings. This has been demonstrated on the skin of a soft robot – and could one day have military or other uses.
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28th January 2021
Wireless brain linkage gets DARPA funding
A new DARPA-funded project aims to create non-invasive, head-worn devices with two-way brain links. As well as helping blind patients to perceive the world around them, it could lead to wireless control of external devices and might even augment a healthy user's vision.
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28th March 2020
COVID-19 is natural, not man-made
Scientists report that the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus – which causes the COVID-19 disease, and is responsible for the current global pandemic – originated naturally, and not otherwise.
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