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Society & Demographics


23rd June 2024

Cause of life expectancy gender gap revealed

The gap in life expectancy between male and female organisms has been scientifically explained for the first time.


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30th March 2024

8 million UK jobs at risk from AI

A new report warns of potentially major disruption to UK employment from the coming wave of AI. An estimated 11% of tasks are already exposed to current AI, a figure that could rise to 59% during a second wave.


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3rd February 2024

AI to disrupt creative jobs in the near future

A new report forecasts widespread disruption in the creative and entertainment industries due to generative AI over the coming three years.


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16th January 2024

World's first trillionaire predicted within a decade

The world's first trillionaire is predicted by UK charity Oxfam to happen within the next 10 years. Meanwhile, the global eradication of poverty will take until the mid-23rd century to achieve.


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22nd February 2023

"Longevity Science Caucus" formed by US politicians

Two U.S. congressmen have announced the formation of a bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Longevity Science.


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2nd December 2022

Shocking decline in human sperm counts

A new study finds that human sperm counts fell by 62% in the last 50 years – possibly due to poor diets, combined with a toxic soup of "forever chemicals" in our air and water.


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15th November 2022

Global population reaches 8 billion

Today is the most likely date for when the global population reached 8 billion, according to a UN estimate. The world is now on track to surpass 9 billion by 2037 and 10 billion by 2058.


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10th July 2022

UK debt-to-GDP could reach 430% by 2072

A new report warns that UK government debt is likely to see a major increase this century. The 50-year projections are based on a world of increasing risk, alongside demographic, economic, technological, and other trends.


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1st October 2021

New foundation will distribute $1bn for aging research

A consortium of biotech founders, clinicians, and leading longevity research institutions has this week announced the launch of the Longevity Science Foundation.


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13th July 2021

World's first 3D printed school opens in Malawi

UNICEF estimates a shortage of 36,000 classrooms in Malawi. It would take 70 years – until 2090 – to fund and construct all these buildings with conventional methods. However, 3D printing could reduce that timeframe to just a single decade.


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future timeline

9th July 2021

Study estimates longevity extremes by 2100

A new study has used Bayesian population projections to forecast the world's longest-lived person by 2100.


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29th May 2021

Humans could live to 150, according to study

A longitudinal analysis of blood markers has found a theoretical maximum lifespan for humans of between 120 and 150.


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2nd February 2021

Guinea worm disease close to being eradicated

Guinea worm cases in humans fell by 50% in 2020, according to the Carter Center. The disease could be eradicated worldwide by 2030.


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25th August 2020

Africa has eradicated wild poliovirus

Africa has today been declared free of wild polio, the second human virus to be eradicated from the continent since smallpox 40 years ago.


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future timeline

15th July 2020

World population expected to peak by 2064

A new study concludes that the global population is likely to peak in 2064 at 9.7 billion and fall to 8.8 billion by 2100. Geopolitical power will see major shifts, producing a more multi-polar world, according to the report.


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28th May 2020

Back to the Present as The Machine Stops

A guest piece by Richard Fox.


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5th February 2020

Sea level rise could reshape the United States and trigger migration inland

Using a machine learning algorithm, scientists have found that climate change-driven sea-level rise could trigger a mass migration of Americans to inland cities in the coming decades.


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21st January 2020

Capitalism: more harm than good?

A new survey reveals that despite a strong global economy and near full employment, a majority of respondents in every developed market do not believe they will be better off in five years' time, and 56% believe that capitalism in its current form is now doing more harm than good in the world.


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